Obo political prisoners say they will join fight to end dictatorship together with the people

Photo - MFP

Political prisoners from Obo prison declared on 1 February that they would continue to fight relentlessly with the people of Myanmar to end the dictatorship.

The declaration of political leaders strongly condemned the military council and their subordinates for committing violence and human rights violations against the entire Myanmar people, and pledged to continue fighting to end the dictatorship.

In the Obo declaration, after the end of the military dictatorship, the relevant parties are urged to draft and enact a new constitution guaranteeing federal democracy and work together to build a peaceful and prosperous nation.

The Obo declaration covers three points on the third anniversary of the military coup.

Political prisoners from Obo prison reported life-threatening situations such as brutal beating and lack of medical care, committed by prison officers and staff in January through social media, National Unity Government (NUG) and relevant authorities.

U Nay Phone Latt, Spokesperson of National Unity Government (NUG) said he was proud of the political prisoners who were arbitrarily arrested by the army for the release of the declaration amid the human rights violations in prison.

“I am very respectful and proud of the fact that political prisoners are doing everything they can to stand together with the people. They are unjustly imprisoned. I want to inform that all those who imprisoned them and those who tortured them in prison must take full accountability and responsibility one day”

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)’s report, the junta arrested 25,931 political prisoners for connections with the revolution since the coup. Of them, 19,993 political prisoners remain behind bars and at interrogation centers across the country.

On the third anniversary of the coup, revolutionary groups have urged the public to play their parts in the revolution. The public in urban and rural areas are engaged in the silent strikes, according to local news sources.

Sent by KIC.


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