CDF – Daai captures 15 junta soldiers including captain, lieutenant, intelligence officer

Photo – CDF-Daai

The Chinland Defence Force – Daai has captured a group of 15 military council soldiers in the Daai area of Paletwa Township in Chin State, including a captain, a lieutenant and an intelligence officer, according to a CDF – Daai official.

“They fled to the area we control. It seems they fled for their lives in the face of fierce fighting, leaving others in the lurch. Some of them may have left their camp and fled. Since they fled to our area, we arrested them while clearing the area,” the CDF Daai official said.

The CDF-Daai arrested the junta soldiers on 30 January. Of those arrested, three junta soldiers were seriously injured and two others sustained minor injuries. They are being provided medical treatment and detained in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, the CDF-Daai official added.

Among the 15 arrested junta soldiers are a captain with three-star insignia, and a lieutenant with two-star insignia. They belong to Light Infantry Battalions 217, 376, 538, 220, 219, 38, 587 and 918 of Light Infantry Division 11, the CDF-Daai said.

The CDF-Daai official said, “We are also in the process of clearing our area. There may still be many deserters from the military. We heard that they bombed along the river yesterday and today. We have banned people from travelling in the area because they are carrying out targeted bombings along the river.”

The ethnic resistance group has asked local people to avoid travelling and trading as the clearance operation in the Daai area will be carried out from 1 to 4 February.

On the afternoon of 29 January, the military bombed Home village in the Daai area three times, killing seven civilians and damaging several houses, according to the CDF-Daai.

Several Myanmar Army soldiers have reportedly fled to the Daai area controlled by the CDF-Daai amid fierce fighting in Paletwa Township in Chin State and in Arakan State.

The CDF-Daai official said they have kept the door open for the military junta soldiers who have not defected to the people’s side, while urging civilians to respect and obey the CDF-Daai’s announcements.

Sent by KMG.


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