Transport and sale of fuel oil allowed only in NUG-controlled area in Homalin


Homalin Township People’s Administration Body issued a statement dated 20 January that it will ban the transport and sale of fuel oil outside the National Unity Government (NUG)-controlled area starting 1 February.

In the announcement, the transport and sale of fuel oil brought from Monywa, Kyunhla Township and other townships will be allowed only in the areas under the control of the NUG in Homalin Township.

The final designated areas for the transport and sale of fuel oil are Shwepyiaye on Chindwin River and Aungpinthar village on the land, the statement says.

Regarding this statement, a fuel oil entrepreneur said: ÒIt may be linked to the circulation of the news on the internet about the collection of 100,000 MMK per barrel. As for me, I have paid the final price to the vessel driver. I think there may be some routes despite the ban.”

In early January, the transport of fuel was banned in Homalin Township, resulting in a shortage of fuel and higher prices. The price of fuel oil has decreased slightly after lifting the ban in the second week of January, according to the local residents.

The statement continues to state that severe action will be taken if fuel oil is traded outside the restricted areas.

Homalin is a township where gold mining businesses are mainly carried out, and it is also a township with a high demand for fuel oil.

Sent by Say Kaung Kham (Shanni Voice)


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