“This year, the US plans to receive more than 125,000 refugees. Among them are those from our refugee camps in Asia. There are more than 100,000 refugees here. There is hope for everyone who will go to the US as the US accepts refugees every year.” Saw Pwe Say An official of Karen Refugee Committee


An interview with Saw Pwe Say, an official of the Karen Refugee Committee (KRC) about arrangements for refugees from refugee camps on the Thai-Myanmar border to leave for third countries and health, education and employment opportunities in the camps.

The Karen Information Center (KIC) interviewed Saw Pwe Say, an official of the KRC about the latest situation of refugees from refugee camps on the Thai-Myanmar border, UNHCR’s arrangements for refugees to leave for third countries and health, education and employment opportunities in refugee camps.

Q: What is the latest status of the third country resettlement program for refugees?

A: In the refugee camp, Thai officials and UNHCR have confirmed and reviewed the people in the refugee camp. It is the first-step re-examination of the people for the settlement in the third country. The examination at Mae Ra Moe and Mae Ra Mu is under way. They have decided that the examination at the two camps will be completed by the end of December. This is a confirmation of the list of people. Some of the refugee camps that have completed the screening can register their names to go to third countries. Those from Tham Hin and Ban Don Yang camps have started to register their names. The registration at Umpiem, Nupo and Mae La refugee camps in Tak District will start on 20 January. Following the enrollment of names, the process will go step by step. This is the latest situation.

Q: In October last year, UNHCR officials went to Ban Don Yang refugee camp and met with the refugees there. What did they say?

A: UNHCR officials visited the camp to get accurate information about the refugees. As far as we know, UNHCR confirmed the facts and data as information about some of the people there were wrong and inaccurate. The people in the camp said that the accurate information is available in the office in the camp. The people who have complete information will have to go first. That’s what they are talking about.

Q: To what extent is there hope for those in refugee camps regarding the third country resettlement?

A: US President Joe Biden has submitted a proposal to the House of Representatives regarding this refugee issue. The US accepts refugees every year. This year, the US plans to accept more than 125,000 refugees. Among them are those from our refugee camps in Asia. There are more than 100,000 refugees here. There is a hope for everyone who will go to the US as the US accepts refugees every year.

Q: Some people take shelter in the refugee camps as fighting erupts following the military coup in Myanmar. After the coup, what did you encounter in the refugee camps regarding food?

A: Due to the massive inflow of refugees to the refugee camp, the camp doesn’t send the exact number of refugees to us. This is something to be aware of. Because, on the other hand, there are policies and regulations in refugee camps that do not accept new people. Some of them are receiving medical treatment in the refugee camp while some others take refuge in the camps for the education of their children. As many say, it’s because of the political situation. The availability of rations is related to the Border Consortium (TBC). They also have conditions and rules. TBC staff in the refugee camp compile the lists. After the compilation of the list, they conduct interviews with the refugees and then provide rations.

Q: There were discussions between UNHCR and the Thai government about allowing those in the refugee camps to work legally outside the camps. What about that situation?

A: According to the rules and regulations of the refugee camp set by the Thai government, those in the camp are not legally allowed to work outside the refugee camp. So far, the terms and conditions have not changed. By sympathizing with the refugees, the people who have long been in the refugee camp for many years are employed in their agricultural work in the villages as daily wage earners. We have to inform Thai authorities and ask for permission from them through understanding. We have to take a list of names of people who go to work for a few days and report it to the township-level authorities. Those who go to work are sent back to the camp after the completion of work. We have this process.

Q: During the tenure of the government led by National League for Democracy (NLD), there were the refugees who returned home under the UNHCR program. However, due to the regional instability after the coup, some of those who returned to their homes had to return to refugee camps. Have they been added to the refugee list?

A: They are no longer added to the refugee list. We have no record of those who returned to the refugee camp again. Only a handful of refugees live there. Most of those who returned stayed outside the refugee camp.

Q: What are health, education and livelihood situations in the current refugee camp?

A: In the health sector, when they had large budgets, patients with serious illnesses were transported to nearby township hospitals for treatment. For instance, patients were sent to Mae Sot Hospital and Chiang Mai. But now there is no such thing as we no longer receive much support. However, the health and education sectors can still operate on their own. The major difficulty is the reconstruction of buildings.

Q: Now there is an opportunity to send those who have been in the refugee camp for years to a third country. To what extent, will it benefit the refugees?

A: We have to look at it from different points of view. It is good for them to have good opportunities by analyzing the political situations and the experience of those who went to the third countries. Only the United States alone will receive the refugees. It is crucial for them to follow the rules. They can’t go now. International groups recently came and met with us. They explained the plans they have for the refugees in their countries.

They let us know what we should know. That’s why I want to say that there is a hope for refugees who will go to the United States. The US government officials met with the Thai government to discuss the number of refugees and then met with the UNHCR. They also met with the Security Council. They told us the real situation. We also know the proposal submitted for the refugees. However, the people in the refugee camp are concerned about their situations as they hear various news.

Q: Due to the domestic political situation, what percentage do the refugees on the Thai border have to go to the third country?

A: According to the answers we got when we interviewed when we went to the refugee camp or when we sent international guests to the camp, I think about 80 percent of interviewees will go to the third country.

Q: As an official of the Karen Refugee Committee, what do you want to add for the Karen refugees on the Thai-Myanmar border?

A: Yes. International human rights organizations, the United States and international governments said that we have our own rights such as education, health, social and economy, in the countries for which we will leave. It is a valid answer. That’s why we, as the KRC, decided to do something about the current bad situation. We get an opportunity to go to the third country. So, we try hard. The officials of the country where we are going to move also came to us. They said they will share knowledge and teach skills for our livelihood and daily survival. We find ways to suit our situation and always apply them. They have established contact with us. Now two groups have visited the camp. We would like to convey our messages to the groups which visited our camp that “We don’t want a lot of money. We have enough to eat for one day. We want skills for our daily survival. That’s why, we would like to learn career knowledge and skills.”

We asked them to provide valid certificates, especially for those who have completed their schooling, if possible, in these border areas. That’s why I want to tell all the refugees in the camps, don’t worry about anything. There are many refugees who can go to the US. We are also trying our best for these people. We will talk about the rest when the new situation emerges.

Sent by KIC.


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