Military council recruits new soldiers in wards and villages of Taungoo

Photo - CJ

Military council is recruiting new soldiers by asking for one young man per household through the relevant administrators in wards and villages in Taungoo Township, Taungoo District of Bago (East) Region, according to residents.

A local woman from Taungoo said: “The army randomly inspected wards and villages and recruited soldiers. The army will also recruit women from the households which have no men. Yesterday, the army discussed the recruitments in Myat Saw Nyi Naung and Doethaung villages. Today, the army will begin recruitments.”

During this month, the military council held the meetings with ward and village administrators in Myat Saw Nyi Naung, Ngephein and Doethaung villages in Seikphyutaung village-tract and Wards-18,19,20 and 23 in Taungoo Township. The military council recruits the soldiers by asking for one person per household and through a lottery system.

The military council threatens to arrest and jail those who oppose the junta’s plan by accusing them of being members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and to burn down the village, according to the ground sources.

Another resident said: ÒToday, a meeting was called at the administrator’s house, and the young men were asked to attend military training with one person per house. Some administrators said locals would not attend the military training. In response, the army threatened it would carry out bombardment.”

As the military council is forcibly recruiting soldiers without the will of the people, the local residents are worried about the safety of their family members and the security of the community.

The military council is carrying out the recruitments not only in Taungoo Township, but also in Yedashe Township and the villages in Bago Region (west).

Revolutionary forces in Bago Region have warned the public to remain vigilant as the army is using the public to supplement its dwindling military strength.

Sent by KIC


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