New Year wishes and expectations of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Karenni State

Caption – Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Karenni State

Residents of Demoso Township in Karenni (Kayah) State have been displaced from their homes since the military coup almost three years ago. Still unable to return home, they continue to live in the IDP camps. Amidst the difficulties, some IDPs from Karenni State shared their wishes and expectations for the new year 2024 as they try to survive.

Daw Flora (Age 43)

“As for the new year’s wish…many of our comrades sacrificed their lives last year. They got nothing in return. But they fought and gave their lives. We also pray that the spirits of these fallen soldiers can enter the heaven. As a member of the public, I also wish them (our comrades) more victories in the new year. I also want to say that the military council should start acting thoughtfully. I wish they really understand what is right and what is wrong if they really care about the people. We have always heard that the military council has lost 80 percent in ethnic regions. So the chances of success are pretty good. We will continue to pray for success.”

Daw Fayar Shar (Age 44)

“In the new year, let us not wish for the sorrow and suffering we experienced in the old year. In the new year, I want us to achieve our cause. We all wish to return home. We expect that all members of the people’s resistance forces will achieve victory and that we will then return to our villages safe and sound. I pray for that.”

Daw Kanang (Age 48)

“For every new year to come, we wish for a democratic system like the one we used to have. We long for the freedom we enjoyed during the five years under Daw Su’s (Daw Aung San Suu Kyi) leadership. We want to live in peace, without war like now. I would like to call for the quickest end to the military rule and a quick solution through negotiations by responsible leaders. We’ll also pray for this to happen.”

Daw Htoo May Yi (Age 39)

“I wish for the political situation to be restored. And we, the people, want the peace that we have been asking for. We want what we are asking for to be fulfilled. What we want is to be able to live in peace again as we used to. We want to return to our homes as soon as possible.”

Daw Phaw Wah (Age 67)

“My only wish is that the revolution succeeds so that we can return home. It’s very cold living in the jungle, with all kinds of difficulties. Thanks to God’s blessing, we have food and shelter for now. But it’s not at all like home. The most important thing is that the revolution succeeds. That’s my only wish.”

U Paul (Age 42)

“I wish all the people living in our Karenni State, our comrades, future martyrs and heroes and all brothers and sisters from all over the country to build a federal army that can defend the nation, without discrimination and in unity. I also expect mutual understanding and equality without arrogance in our state for the well-being of all without disunity.”

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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