“Since the start of ” Operation 1027 “, we fought hard for 72 days and then successfully captured the MOC-16. On 6 January, GE unit, medical unit and the rest dropped all their weapons. They also dropped the tanks. Then, they retreated and ran away.” Comrade Ni Ni Kyaw – General Secretary of PLA

Caption-Some members of the Three Brotherhood Alliance.

The Shan News interviewed comrade Ni Ni Kyaw, General Secretary of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) about the capture of Theinni and other town.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is engaged in “Operation 1027” with three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State. Since the beginning of “Operation 1027″, the PLA has participated in the battle to capture Theinni, along with the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)-Kokang. After announcing that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had attacked and occupied the Yaypu permanent checkpoint under the Customs Department between Lashio-Theinni, the public became aware of it again.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), under the political leadership of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB), is fighting in Sagaing Region and northern Shan State along with the Spring Revolution forces that are fighting against the military dictatorship across Myanmar.

The PLA is mainly responsible for the attack on the Theinni front while the Three Brotherhood Alliance is conducting ” Operation 1027 ” in northern Shan State. Two battalions are participating in the attack along with the multi-ethnic Brigade-611 of the MNDAA-Kokang.

On 7 January, the combined forces of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the Three Brotherhood Alliance successfully attacked and captured Military Operations Command-16 based in Theinni. The Shan News interviewed comrade Ni Ni Kyaw, General Secretary of the PLA about the capture of Theinni and the latest developments.

Q: Please tell me about the situation of the battle in Theinni, which resumed in early January.

A: We captured Theinni since the start of Operation 1027 on 27 October. At around 4 am, we captured toll gates. In the following days, we captured the police station, General Administration Department and then the whole town. In Operation 1027, Theinni and Chinshwehaw were captured first.

The MOC-16 is located at the exit of Theinni and the entrance of Lashio. It is adjacent to Kaunghaw village. They (military council soldiers) are stationed in Kaunghaw village. They withdrew when we attacked them on the day “Operation 1027” started. After coming out of the area of ​​the MOC-16, they tried to enter Kaunghaw village.

Then the PLA soldiers stopped them from the start of Kaunghaw village. There was an exchnage of fire. Later, they could enter Kaunghaw village. The military council captured one-third of the village. Fighting stopped for a moment while there were peace talks. When fighting stopped, they again took up positions and carried out food supplements and replenishment of ammunition. When the peace talks broke down, fighting started again. At the time of the battle, the military council troops captured about two-thirds of Kaunghaw. Then, our comrades retreated a little. We were stationed near the top of Theinni-Namtu creek-crossing bridge and at the area near the village. The battle in Kaunghaw started on 29-30 October.

Villagers remained in the village for two or three days at first. Later, the villagers ran away as the military troops entered the village with tanks and carried out aerial bombardments and shelling. PLA comrades and the allied force fought back against them with the help of the MNDAA and the drone forces.

Since “Operation 1027” started, we have been fighting fiercely with them in Kaunghaw village for about 40-50 days. There have been countless airstrikes. All kinds of heavy weapons and bombs rained down.

Q: Can we say that the combined force captured the whole town as it captured the MOC-16 in Theinni?

A: In the meantime, they have been fighting hard. We again conducted an offensive on 1 January. We clashed with the troops stationed at the top of Namtu creek bridge. After fighting for a day or two, we won, and continued to clear Kaunghaw village. They are also stationed in Christian churches and 5-storey buildings. We could successfully capture Kaunghaw on 3 January by clearing each building. On 4 January, we raided the MOC-16. We captured Light Infantry Battalion-69 on 4 and 5 January. Arms depots were captured. And the headquarters and other places were captured consecutively. Later, the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) sent reinforcements. When the reinforcements arrived, they helped us capture the artillery hills. They also fought hard. We have drone forces. Then, the MNDAA again sent reinforcements. Later, we captured airfield, arms depots, cannons and tanks in the compound of the MOC-16, medical corps, engineer corps, signal corps, hospital and LIB-69. All of them were captured at 9 am on 7 January.

Q: Can you tell us what the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is doing with its allies in Theinni Township?

A: On the first day of “Operation 1027″, we captured Theinni and Chin Shwe Haw. On the Theinni battlefield, our PLA soldiers took charge of the main ground. We mainly carried out attacks in cooperation with the MNDAA. Next, we have the drone forces. We conducted an offensive against the MOC-16 on 1 January and successfully captured it on 7 January. It took one week. At that time, the KNDF reinforced us. In addition, the MNDAA also made reinforcement. We carried out the fight in cooperation with them. From the start of Operation 1027 until the withdrawal of all the military council troops from the entire MOC, it took about 72 days. There were fighting, constant scouting and aerial bombardments and the firing of heavy weapons and sometimes shootings with tanks when there were intense battles. The ground forces stationed in the church fired heavy shells. They attacked us from the four corners. The military council used every possible way such as constant scouting with airplanes and bombings with fighter jets. Since the start of ” Operation 1027 “, we fought hard for 72 days and then successfully captured the MOC-16.

On 6 January, GE unit, medical unit and the rest dropped all their weapons. They also dropped the tanks. Then, they retreated and ran away. Our (PLA) soldiers chased and fought those soldiers. There is a bridge at 14 miles or 15 miles. We fought until they reached that side. Troops from the MOC-16 tried to enter Theinni almost every day. Our comrades attacked them on the defensive as they were afraid that they would enter the town. The battles took place every day when they tried to enter the town using various means. The capture took 72 days since the start of ” Operation 1027 ” until now. During the 7 days of the peace talks, they (military council) prepared for war and did something secretly. We had to retreat as the military council had an upper hand at the start of fighting. We were able to capture it by conducting an offensive.

Q: Will you release the photos of the damage after the fighting in Kaung Haw ward? Or else are these photos available?

A: We are collecting photos. We will upload these photos. We find it difficult to collect some photos as the internet connection is poor. We have a plan to release the photos.

Q: Thank you for your reply.

A: I am glad to have the opportunity to answer your questions. Thank you.

Sent by Shan News


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