All roads leading into NUG-controlled Kawlin closed by junta

Caption – A downtown Kawlin area

All roads leading to Kawlin in the northern Sagaing Region, now under the control of the National Unity Government (NUG), have been blocked by the Myanmar Army as of 23 December, bus lines report.

All bus lines running from Katha to Kawlin were blocked at Indaw, and those running from Mandalay to Kawlin were also blocked at Kyauktan junction, said a person close to the bus lines.

“The buses going from Katha to Kawlin were blocked at Indaw. This was done by the military. All buses from Katha to Kawlin have been ordered to turn back. They have blocked the road section in Indaw. Buses coming from the Mandalay side have been blocked at Kyauktan, blocking the entrance to Kawlin,” he said.

The Myanmar Army has set up a checkpoint at Kyauktan junction, from where the main roads lead to Kawlin, and blocked all buses entering the town, travelers said.

The closure of roads into the town comes almost two months after the NUG took control of Kawlin.

“Since Kawlin is now one of the areas controlled by the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs), they are blocking all entrances and exits. It looks like they are also cutting off food supplies,” said a displaced local.

However, other roads leading to other towns controlled by the NUG and local defence forces, such as Maw Luu and Shwe Pyi Aye in Sagaign Region, have not been blocked by the military junta, according to locals.

Kawnlin was captured by the NUG’s PDFs and other allied armed groups in November. On 16 November, they announced that normality had returned to the town.

Sent by ShanNi Voice


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