KNLA joint forces capture the military council’s camps in Mone


The combined Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) captured Light Infantry-599, Myoma police station and a security outpost on Mone-Oukphyat bridge in Mone Township in Nyaunglebin District of Brigade-3 of Karen National Union (KNU), according to the KNU (Central).

In the fighting which launched on 2 December, according to the military strategy, the important military council camps were attacked and captured simultaneously.

“The KNU had no intention of seizing the town. Now, we have taken control of Battalion-599, Myoma police station, bridge security gate and Oukphyat checkpoint. It was just to destroy the military bases. The captured camps are strategically important camps. This is the major route that will continue to march towards Nay Pyi Taw as well as to control Brigade-5 border,” Padoh Saw Kala Say, Spokesperson of the KNU.

Since 3 December, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) combined forces have been trying to capture the military council’s Light Infantry-590.

He added that it has not yet been confirmed whether the camp has been completely captured, and as the fighting is still intense, the details of the damage on both sides are not yet known.

According to local news sources, during the attack on the military council camps in Mone, the military council provided air support at least 20 times, and the nearby military council camps were also carrying out indiscriminate firing of heavy shells.

There are no reports of civilian casualties as the KNU warned the public in advance before the fighting, KNU source said.

Karen Information Center (KIC) is trying to contact locals from Mone. Due to phone and internet blackouts in the whole town, the KNU finds it difficult to contact them.

Regarding these battles, the propaganda media under the Military council said that the news that the KNLA joint forces were able to capture the camp was untrue and that the casualties were high and civilians were being targeted by the KNLA.

Sent by KIC.


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