Junta’s aerial bombardments destroy more than 60 houses, hospitals, schools and religious buildings in Rezua

Caption-A building destroyed by the military council’s aerial bombardment. (Photo - Zotung Federal Council)

More than 60 houses, religious buildings, hospitals, schools and banks were destroyed in the Rezua-capture battle in Matupi Township in Chin State. More than 2,000 displaced people are in urgent need of help to resettle, the Zotung Federal Council reported.

The military council’s aerial bombardments completely destroyed four houses and damaged six houses and the ZBA Salang hall in Rezua, the Zotung Federal Council’s statement on 30 November.

The clear-up operation is being carried out in order that more than 2,000 displaced people can return to their homes as soon as possible. A lot of assistance is needed for the reconstruction of damaged houses and public buildings and the resettlement of IDPs, the statement said.

The alliance of five (Chinland Defense Force (CDF)- Zotung, Zophei, Lautu, Mara and Senthang) conducted “ZZLMS Operation” and took complete control of Rezua on 29 November, in cooperation with Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) and CDF-Matupi Battalion-2.

Four military council soldiers were killed in the battle. The revolutionary force arrested 41 people including soldiers, police, family members, children and seized a large quantity of weapons and ammunition according to the statement.

One comrade from CNF/CNA, one from CDF-Zotung, one from CDF-Mara and one from CDF-Lautu were killed while five comrades got minor wounds.

Zotung Federal Council has called on the public to cooperate in a plan to fully operate the public administration in Rezua and reconstruct the town.

Rezua is the third town which has been captured and controlled by the Chin Defense Forces led by the CNA.

The Chin defense forces captured and controlled Reedkhawdar and Lalengpi, which are located on the India-Myanmar border and strategically important for military and border trade.

The CNF/CNA is already developing public administration mechanisms there in cooperation with the local defense force.

Sent by KMG


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