Ongoing fighting in northern Shan State leads to food shortage and skyrocketing commodity prices

Caption- A charity group in Muse is selling goods at a low price when the prices of goods are rising. (Photo: Shwephee Myay)

Due to the ongoing fighting in northern Shan State, the roads are closed, there is a shortage of food in some areas, and the prices of goods are rising, and the locals are facing difficulties, locals said.

After the Three Brotherhood Alliance launched “1027 Operation” in northern Shan State at the end of October, fighting has continued. As a result, the prices of basic commodities have gone up. There is a shortage of basic commodities, a local man from Kutkai said.

“There are some items that cannot be bought. Some people overprice goods. The price of a bag of rice is over Ks-200,000 while the price of cement is Ks-20,000 per bag. The prices of all items are skyrocketing. The daily wage earners can’t afford to buy goods. I want to cry as the prices of all items have soared. I have shared the remaining dry fish and beans. The prices of all rations have gone up. The price of Shu Shae pickled tea has increased from Ks-300 to Ks-1,000 per packet,” the local woman said.

Some items have been completely out of stock with the increase in the prices of basic foodstuff and rice. Currently, there is a shortage of fuel in Kutkai, she continued.

Due to the road blockage along Pyin-Oo-Lwin-Muse road caused by fighting, the delivery of goods is impossible, a local from Kyaukme said.

“All commodity prices have gone up. For instance, the transportation costs are added to the commodity prices. They don’t sell products from China and Thailand at a high price. Although there is a shortage of foodstuff in Kyaukme, they do not sell the items at the higher prices,” the Kyaukme local said.

“The prices have gone up 2 or 3 times like in big cities. It should be like that in Kyaukme. Some people who sell vegetables are pathetic. They carried vegetables from Mandalay every day. Vegetables turn yellow as they have to carry vegetables for more than 300 miles. They face huge losses,” he said.

The townships which face a shortage of rations after “Operation 1027Ó in northern Shan State, are: Naungcho, Myaukme, Lashio, Namtu, Kutkai, Muse, Nankham, Theinni, Chinshwehaw and Nanhsam and Mongton which are included in Ta’aung region. In some cities, they have to buy only a limited amount of fuel, local residents said.

In addition to the increase in commodity prices and fuel prices, phone and internet access are cut off in some townships of northern Shan State, locals said.

Sent by NMG


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