IDPs in Sagaing’s Yinmabin in need of food and clothing

Caption – Some members of the Women’s Alliance distribute snacks to displaced children in cooperation with the Yinmabin-Salingyi Strike Steering Committee.

More than 1,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region, are short of food and clothing, according to people helping the displaced.

The Myanmar army’s advance into the township forced residents to flee their homes. The displaced have sought shelter in the forests as the junta continues to maintain a presence nearby, said Ko Rain Moe, a refugee aid worker.

“Their main difficulties are food and clothing. To be frank, they had to flee their homes with only the clothes on their backs when military dogs (junta troops) entered their villages. They had no time to take anything with them, not even household utensils. Now as the cold season is setting in, they need blankets and clothes. Most importantly, they are short of food right now,” said Ko Rain Moe.

The more than 1,000 people have been fleeing for nearly three months and have since sought refuge in safe villages and forests, he added.

“They have been displaced for a long time. Because the military council troops have been stationed in the Kyaunghmaw area since then. It’s been two and a half or three months now. Some are taking shelter in the forests. Others are in what we call displaced persons’ camps. Some of them have fled to safer villages. So they are in three places,” Ko Rain Moe said.

In Yinmabin Township, Myanmar army troops and members of the Pyu Saw Htee militia have also looted valuable items belonging to civilians, including household utensils. Their activities in the area have frequently led to clashes with the People’s Defense Forces (PDF), according to locals.

The military situation in Yinmabin Township remains complicated, with junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militiamen operating in the area and engaging in battles with PDFs. Therefore, a return of the displaced people is not yet possible, said a leader of the Yinmabin-Salingyi Heavy Weapons Alliance.

“Given the current military situation, the IDPs are also exposed to the junta’s offensives. So I would like to ask those who are better off to help the IDPs, because they are really suffering. Please support the displaced people because the current military situation in the area is complicated. They need food, clothing and medicine,” he explained.

The Yinmabin-Salingyi Heavy Weapons Alliance has asked the public to donate much-needed medicine, food and other relief supplies for the displaced women and children.

The more than 1,000 displaced civilians are from Kyaunghmaw, Kyunbaw, Kyaukkone, Kyetshaung, Innpat, Chankone and Nalabot villages.

Sent by NMG.


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