Ambulance driver dies at interrogation center

Caption - The ambulance driver from the social organization who was killed at the interrogation center.

A 28-year-old ambulance driver from Chanmyaepayami health support association based in Thrabwin village in Tagu station in Tanintharyi Township of Myeik District died at the interrogation center more than two weeks after the detention by the military council, the villagers said.

The ambulance driver died in the third week of October, according to the persons close to the family.

A relative said: “He is in good health. He died due to inhumane torture. The family is worried about her mother’s health.”

On 30 September, the military council arrested Ko Aung Kyaw Naing at the checkpoint in Zawae village junction when he returned from Myeik after transporting a patient. Then, the military council detained him at Light Infantry Division-557 based in Auakking village along with the ambulance, his relatives said.

On the morning of 18 October, the military council informed Ko Aung Kyaw Naing’s family by phone that he died and the body of the victim was retrieved, his relative said.

On 19 October, the family members went to the mortuary at Tanintharyi Township hospital and held the funeral service, the persons close to the family.

The victim’s mother, elder brother and his younger brother (Grade-9 student) have to rely on Ko Aung Kyaw Naing. The villagers said that he is a young man who is relied on by the community for welfare and social affairs.

Sent by NMG.


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