“I want peace. I pray such a tragedy never happens.” A mother who survived the bombing of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp

Caption-Those killed in the bombing of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp in Laiza.

An interview with a mother who survived the bombing of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp in Laiza.

Twenty-nine people, including 11 children, were killed in the military council’s bombing of Mung Lai Hkyet IDP camp near Laiza, which is the headquarters of Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), at midnight on 9 October.

The bombing resulted in the deaths of many people including children and women and wounded nearly 60 others.

Kachin News Group (KNG) interviewed a mother who experienced and survived the deadly bombing.

Q: Please share what you have experienced as a person who personally experienced this tragedy.

A: This is an unexpected midnight incident committed by the military council. It happened at 11:30 pm. It happened to us while we were all asleep. I am extremely sad.

Q: Tell me what happened that night.

A: I don’t know where the bomb came from, that night. As usual, no bombs fell on our side. I thought the bomb landed on our place first. But no, that one bomb hit the whole village. It is a strange bomb. After the bombing, they fired their usual heavy weapons four times. I think the military council carried out indiscriminate shooting as usual.

It is still not possible to predict where that weapon fell. It was the first bomb that hurt us all. The place where the bomb fell was an IDP camp. Only civilians are living in the surrounding area. Nothing happened to the people from the place which is quite far away from us. All the roofs were blown off. All walls and floors were destroyed by the bombing.

Q: The majority of those who lost their lives are children and women. As a woman, how do you feel when you encounter this?

A: We did not have enough time to take cover in bomb shelters. Two mothers have one-month-old babies. A mother lost all her family members while another one was killed and her baby survived. As a mother, I am rueful and sorry. The mother who lost her baby is also receiving treatment at the hospital. She couldn’t even come to the child’s funeral. Some wounded who are receiving treatment at the hospital have recovered.

As a mother, what happened that night is rueful. Some parents lost their lives. Some parents lost their children. Two mothers with one-month-old babies were killed. A child survived the incident. A mother and her baby lost their lives. A mother lost one of her children. Another wounded child was taken to the hospital by piggybacking although she was full of wounds. She took the baby, who was still alive, to the hospital. Women feel sorry and rueful.

Q: What is the current situation of the IDPs from Mung Lai Hkyet? How are they living now?

A: Our Christian churches helped them to move to Wai Kyaing IDP camp that night. We have to eat two meals a day at the IDP camp.

Q: Do you have any plans to return to Mung Lai Hkyet? How are the relevant organizations planning?

A: I don’t know what the relevant heads are thinking. They have not discussed it with us. So, we don’t know what the future plan is.

Q: The total number of the victims killed in the incident is 29. How many families who lost their lives are there?

A: There are seven households living in that dormitory. Two families lost their lives. Of the remaining households, some family members lost their lives, while others escaped with their lives.

Q: As a woman living at an IDP camp, may I know your feeling because you faced such an incident when you are sheltering in a place you think will be safe?

A: Where should we move from now on? We have been thinking that we are safe, but now, the enemy is committing genocide. I don’t think we will have peace of mind. Children’s education is also very difficult when they have to move and live like this. It is also difficult to earn a living.

Q: Finally, what would you like to add?

A:  I want peace. I pray such a tragedy never happens.

Sent by KNG


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