Locals from five villages in western Sagaing forced to flee

Caption-The map showing the villages in the western part of Sagaing.

Locals from five villages in the western part of Sagaing Township in Sagaing Region have fled to safer places for more than one week after the military council entered the villages, according to the IDPs.

“The situation remains unstable. There emerges the news that the military council changes the military column. I heard the news that the people who remain in the villages are urged to flee to safer places,” an IDP said.

Recent days, the military columns left the villages. It is difficult for the IDPs to return home as the news emerges that the military column may re-enter the villages.

The military council raided the villages citing that the assassination of a police member on duty from Mandalay International Airport on 14 September is linked to the People’s Defense Force (PDF) which was stationed in the western part of Sagaing, according to locals.

During the raids on the villages, the military council arrested, inspected and beat some youths. The PDF also carried out ambush attacks on the military column, locals said.

On 17 September, the military council’s column entered Nyaungkone, Kywatlu, Paukhla, Daungma and Maubin villages in the western part of Ngahtatgyi Pagoda in Sagaing.

Nearly 10,000 locals have taken refuge at wards in Sagaing, monasteries on the Sagaing mountain and the houses of their relatives due to the military council’s offensives, according to locals.

The IDPs said they are facing difficulties in their family’s livelihood due to the damage caused to the cultivated crops and the shutdown of jade bead business.

Sent by Say Kaung Kham (Shanni voice)


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