Junta conducts more than 500 airstrikes and heavy shelling in Mone Township

Caption-The IDPs from Mone Township.

The military council carried out more than 500 airstrikes and heavy shelling in villages in Mone Township in Nyaunglebin District in Bago Region in Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade-3 controlled territory, according to the statement by the Karen Emergency Relief Committee of Mone Township on 19 September.

From the end of August to 16 September, the military council conducted 101 airstrikes and 451 heavy shelling in the villages of Mone Township.

It also conducted offensives, burned public properties and planted mines there. More than 10,000 locals from 15 villages have fled to safer places, according to the statement.

“Currently, about 10 villages are in a situation where the locals cannot return completely. It is not possible to compile the list of the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in each village, but there are more than 10,000 IDPs. At present, there are road blockages,” said a member of the committee about the regional situation.

The attacks killed two men and two women and wounded 10 others. The military abducted three locals, according to the committee’s statement.

In addition, the KNU also announced on 18 September that the local people are experiencing the deterioration of their farmland because they are unable to work properly while fleeing the war.

A member of the Karen Emergency Relief Committee said: “It rained so much that the refugees got sick and there was not enough medicine to treat them. The road is difficult to transport food. In addition, commodity prices have gone up. As a result, the people face a lot of livelihood and health problems.

In its statement, the committee called on relevant organizations and the international community to immediately stop targeted attacks on the public and to provide necessary assistance for livelihood, education and health for the IDPs.

It also called on Karen Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) at home and abroad, revolutionary forces, international governments, human rights activists and organizations to take measures to stop such acts of the military council.

During this year, the fighting between the military council and the revolutionary forces has intensified in Nyaunglebin District. As of June, there are more than 30,000 IDPs in Mone Township alone. There are more than 200,000 IDPs in the entire district, according to Karen CSOs.

Sent by KIC.


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