“The current judicial system of the military council is only for dictators.” Ko Oo Than Naing, Spokesperson of Arakan Students’ Union

Caption-Ko Oo Than Naing, Spokesperson of Arakan Students’ Union.

An interview with Ko Oo Than Naing, Spokesperson of Arakan Students’ Union about the judiciary and the rule of law in Arakan State following the military coup.

The Arakan Students’ Union organized the 56th Rice Crisis Day, which fell on August 13. Daw Nyo Aye, a Arakan women’s rights activist who attended the event, was arrested by the military council and charged under Section 505(b) of Penal Code.

Likewise, the officials of the Arakan Students’ Union are on the run as the military council is trying to arrest them. The Development Media Group (DMG) interviewed Ko Oo Than Naing, Spokesperson of Arakan Students’ Union about the military council’s judiciary and the rule of law in Arakan State following the military coup.

Q: What is the Arakan Students’ Union doing after the military coup?

A: As our office is closed after the military coup, we can no longer meet the needs of other students. Our office is based outside the university and is dealing with the students’ affairs by working together with our alliance groups. We help the people affected by the storm in cooperation with Muslim and Myo students. Another thing is we deal with the Kaman students’ lack of access to the university, in cooperation with the people from the Kaman party.

Q: The Arakan Students’ Union recently released a statement regarding the Sittwe Rice Crisis Day. Tell me about that statement.

A: The first thing is to mourn the 56th anniversary of the 13th August (Sittwe Rice Crisis Day). It was held in the Arakan Students’ Union in Sittwe, with 25 students. The event covers three agendas. The first is saying prayer. The second is that Daw Nyo Aye shared her experience. The third is poem-recitation by students. On 15 August, more than 10 police members arrested Daw Nyo Aye at her home. The main reason is we released the statement about the arrest of Daw Nyo Aye and the issuance of arrest warrants for the students who organized this event.

Q: So, please tell me about the current situation of the members of the students’ union.

A: On 15 August, Daw Nyo Aye got arrested. Arrest warrants were issued for us. We are far away from the military council’s headquarters.

Q: What do you want to say about the arrest of Daw Nyo Aye, a women’s rights activist, by the military council?

A: In Arakan State, not only Daw Nyo Aye but also other people get arrested. During the fighting, innocent civilians were arrested and prosecuted. Daw Nyo Aye attended the event on 13 August. She just attended the event and did not talk about matters related to politics. There was a day like this a long time ago. She recounted her experience. She did not say that the youth should be involved in politics. Filing a lawsuit just by attending the event is a slap in the face. I want to say that it hit a sensitive nerve on them. Therefore, it is considered to be done purely out of malice.

Q: May I know your view on the rule of law after the coup?

A: Under the 2008 Constitution, the Chief Justice of Arakan State has not done anything. The Chief Justice has to act only after the order from the Union. In 2020, our students’ union did a lot of public activities. The authorities arrested the students under Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code and detained them in Sittwe prison for many years. They bought the time by means of court appearance and remands. Plaintiff witnesses did not attend the court hearings. To be clear, they could not make efforts to earn the public’s trust. So, the military council’s judiciary is only for dictators. If the judiciary in Myanmar stands with the people, we will come and face the lawsuit regarding the matter that is currently being prosecuted against us. If they judge by looking at only those who have power, we don’t want to get arrested.

Q: What will be the role of youth in Arakan state after the military coup?

A: The youth sector in Arakan State is declining. We can say that the activities of our students’s union have been delayed. Because the offices in the university were closed. Activists were also arrested and prosecuted. Later, the young people’s voices gradually faded. But our students’ union must always be for the people according to our motto. No matter how much the military council oppresses us, we will never stop.

Q: As the students’ union of Arakan State, what would you like to convey to the people of Arakan?

A: As the students’ union, I want to urge the Arakan people that the judiciary of the current government (military council) is not for the people, but for the dictators. Because our students have experienced it twice before. Even under the tenure of the quasi-civilian government, the judiciary was unable to satisfy our people.

Sent by Aung Htein (DMG)


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