Schools in Kyaukgyi Township remain closed due to the military council’s threat of airstrikes

Caption-children in Kyaukgyi Township. (Photo-KPSN)

Most of the schools under the management of the Karen Education and Culture Department (KECD) in Kyaukkyi Township in Nyaunglebin district in Bago Region in the Karen National Union (KNU)- Brigade-3 territory are temporarily closed due to the threat of airstrikes by the military council, according to locals.

Schools in Kawthoolei are closed as the military council’s planes have been flying every day since the end of last August. The schools remain closed due to the military council’s airstrikes on the schools in Lawmuthaw and Lawmupal villages, where around 300 students are learning on 5 September, according to locals.

A local woman who declined to be named said: “Almost all Karen schools in Kyaukkyi are closed due to the fear that the army will target schools which have many Karen children. The examinations are being held for the primary and high school students. To this day, drones and flights are flying every day.”

A local man said: “In order that the children can keep up with education, there are the schools which are running in some places. The schools are closed when the military planes arrive.”

The junta-controlled schools in Kyaukkyi Township have been closed for two years due to fighting and shootings. Some volunteer teachers are teaching students on a self-reliant basis in order that students have no delay in education, according to residents,

Following the battle in Thitchaseik camp on 31 August, the military council continuously conducts airstrikes in Kyaukkyi and Mone Townships. In addition, the military council’s shelling has resulted in civilian casualties, the destruction of houses and the displacement of more locals.

A school teacher and five students were killed and seven others wounded in the military council’s targeted airstrikes on civilian houses, schools and religious building in townships of Mutraw District in Brigade-5 controlled territory of Karen National Union (KNU) on 7 September.

The KNU issued a statement dated 11 September, calling on the UN, ASEAN and international organizations to impose sanctions against the military council which is carrying out targeted attacks even on the schools in the KNU-controlled territories, in effective and practical ways.

Sent by KIC.


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