Over 90 churches, religious buildings destroyed in Chin State

Caption - Churches and religious buildings destroyed by the military regime

The Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO) has stated that more than 90 Christian churches and religious buildings have been destroyed due to the attacks by the Myanmar’s military council in Chin State.

In the more than two years since the 2021 military coup, 95 religious buildings in Chin State have been damaged or destroyed by artillery shelling and airstrikes by the military regime, the CHRO said 11 September.

“They deliberately targeted religious buildings here in Chin State because we Chin, including displaced people, mostly seek shelter in churches. This means that people are deliberately targeted,” said Salai Mang Hre Lian, CHRO’s project manager.
In addition, five hospitals/clinics and four schools were damaged by the military’s bombardment in Chin State.

The military’s bombing of religious buildings, schools, hospitals and civilian villages constitutes a serious violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime, Salai Mang Hre Lian said.

“Churches, religious buildings, hospitals and schools are places where people gather. Under the Geneva Convention, they should be completely avoided. They shouldn’t be attacked. Under international law, these religious buildings, schools and hospitals must be spared. So these attacks constitute war crimes,” he added.

Since the military coup, the army has attacked and destroyed nearly 200 religious buildings across Myanmar, with most of the destruction in Chin State, according to research reports.

Sent by KMG.


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