Arakan displacement camps need health education for women

Caption – Women living in displacement camps in Arakan State lack adequate health knowledge

Effective reproductive health education programs are reportedly needed for women living in displacement camps, including Muslim camps, in Arakan State.

Health educators said women in the IDP camps lack health knowledge, leading to high rates of miscarriage, uterine problems, and other health problems among women.

“We’ve been providing education on reproductive health, but it is not yet effective. What I mean is that not only the recipients but also the providers need to give the right information. Lack of health knowledge leads to many other health consequences,” said a nurse who provides health education in displacement camps.

Although international organizations and NGOs have recently been providing health education in displacement camps, displaced persons say it is not effective.

Women in displacement camps have low health awareness, leading to unwanted pregnancies and abortions, said a displaced Muslim woman from Thet Kay Pyin IDP camp in Sittwe Township.

“There are also people who have abortions. Just last month, a woman had an abortion. They don’t even know what the consequences of abortion can be. The most important thing is that women here don’t know about health issues,” said Daw Anu Wa Rar, a displaced person from Thet Kay Pyin camp.

According to educational brochures, health consequences for women who have abortions include blood clots, excessive bleeding, risk of infection, uterine cancer and even sudden cardiac death.

Problems faced by displaced women include lack of clean drinking water, overcrowded living conditions, and inability to properly wash clothes, especially underwear, in displacement camps, leading to further health problems for women.

“Since women are mainly responsible for household chores, it is very important for us women to stay healthy. Therefore, I want women’s health education groups to do much more than they are doing now,” said Daw Ma Shwe Win from Zay Di Pyin IDP camp in Rathedaung Township.

Reproductive health is a health issue that everyone should know about, including married couples and teenagers. Therefore, social workers suggest that aid organizations coordinate their health education programs in IDP camps and have open discussions.

According to September 2022 UNHCR Myanmar data, there are 153,000 displaced Muslims in Sittwe, Maungdaw, Pauktaw, and Kyaukphyu in Arakan State. According to the United Nations, more than 58,000 people are currently displaced in the state and in Paletwa Township in Chin State due to the ongoing conflict.

Sent by DMG.


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