Leiktho airstrike kills one, wounds four children

Caption-The entrance signboard of Leiktho. (Photo- CJ)

A local was killed and four children wounded in the military council’s airstrike near Hteetharsaw village in Leiktho sub-township in northern Thandaunggyi Township in Karen State on 10 September, according to residents.

“The military council conducted the aerial bombardment although there was no fighting. Two of four children were seriously wounded. Communication is difficult due to lack of access to phone line. The airstrike destroyed a monastery, a primary school and houses in Hteetharsaw village and forced residents to flee, a resident man added.

There are frequent clashes between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) combined force and the military council in Taungoo District in the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade-2 controlled territory in the villages of Leiktho sub-townships. The military council’s airstrike without the clashes aims to drive a wedge between the public and revolutionary forces.

“Villagers told People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) not to enter the village as they fear that the military council will conduct an airstrike. The people in Hteetharsaw village say that,” he said.

Likewise, more than 20 military council soldiers were killed in the battle between the military council force and the KNLA combined force in Shwethaung village in Yedashe Township on the eastern Bank of Sittaung River on 7 September. The military council conducted airstrikes as it suffered casualties, according to the statement by the Ministry of Defense under the National Unity Government (NUG).

Due to the shootings, residents from Shwethaung village and nearby villages have fled to safer places. Concern grows among residents as the military council is carrying out the deployment of troops, according to local news sources.

Sent by KIC


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