Over 20 locals arrested as human shields by junta in Dawei, Theyetchaung

Caption – Some of those arrested by Myanmar army soldiers as human shields (Photo: CJ/Old file photo)

Myanmar army troops arrested more than 20 locals as human shields as they advanced into the Ashaetaw area in Dawei Township and the rural administrative area of Taungpyauk in Thayetchaung Township, according to local defense forces and locals.

A junta battalion of around100 soldiers had been raiding villages in the Taungpyauk area since 21 August, arresting around 20 locals along their route to use them as human shields. According to locals, they were stationed in Winkahpaw village.

On the morning of August 23, the battalion took the arrrested villagers from Winkahpaw and left for Byatwithar village, according to a local defense member.

In eastern Dawei, the junta troops advancing since 20 August arrested three residents of Yammazu, Wakone, and Thayetngoke villages to use as human shields along their advance, local defense groups said.

Their family members are extremely concerned for their lives as the 20 or so residents arrested as human shields have not returned after three days, local residents said.

Thousands of residents from more than 10 villages remain displaced due to the ongoing military advance in the Ashaetaw and Taungpyauk areas in Dawei Township.

Since the recent military coup in Myanmar, the Myanmar military has repeatedly arrested, tortured, and killed residents as human shields and burned down homes, local human research groups have reported.

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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