Military council abducts eight locals in Yebyu Township

Caption-Some IDPs from Nabule area.

The military council troops that entered the Nabule area in Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region abducted eight locals.

More than 3,000 locals from Wetchaung, Khamaungchaung, Akani, Mudu, Laeshaung, Hteingyi and Paradat villages in Yebyu Township have fled to nearby areas as the military columns are conducting offensives, the villagers said.

We fled (on 11 August) as we heard the news,” a local from Khamaungchaung village said.
On the morning of 9 August, the military column which entered the Nabule area abducted four people from Hteingyi village and one from Mudu village, a local man said.

“The military abducted Hteingyi villagers while they were searching for fishes in the creek. The military abducted a local from Mudu village on the road that morning,” he said.

On the morning of 10 August, the military column arrived in Wetchaung village and abducted three women from Wetchaung village, locals said.

Locals said that those abducted by the military council column had not been released till August 11, and that their whereabouts were unknown.

According to the locals, the military council troops are entering Yebyu Township in three columns.

Locals said they heard the sound of small and heavy weapons near Khamaungchaung village until the morning of 11 August. The details of the situation are not yet known.

Tension with the military council remains as the military columns have entered the Nabule area in Yebyu Township since the second week of July, according to locals.

Sent by IMNA.


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