Clashes erupt between Myanmar army and SSPP in Shan’s Laihka

Caption – Location of clashes between the Myanmar army and SSPP/SSA

Clashes broke out between the Myanmar army and the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) around 6am on 6 August in Laihka Township in Loilem District, Shan State, according to local residents.

“We’ve been hearing gunshots since this morning. We can still hear sounds of both light and heavy weapons. If the fighting intensifies, we’ll have to flee again,” said one concerned resident.

Around 6am on 6 August, fierce fighting was taking place between the two armies near Nampauk village east of the Namtein Creek in Laihka Township, with the Myanmar army opening fire with artillery and pressing with ground troops, according to an SSPP/SSA ground officer.

“The military council attacked us first with artillery. Since yesterday, they have been sporadically shelling our positions with artillery. Today, they shelled us first with artillery first before sending a ground column of about 70 troops. That’s why the clashes broke out. We don’t have casualty figures yet because the fighting is still going on,” said the SSPP/SSA ground officer.

According to reports, the military council troops clashing with SSPP forces in Laihka belong to a battalion of the Eastern Central Command of the Myanmar army based in Kho Lam.

The ethnic army’s ground officer went on to explain that the fighting may be due to the SSPP/SSA’s refusal to withdraw their troops from Laihka Township.

“It’s out of the question for us to withdraw from here to ensure security of our headquarters. Although they (the military council troops) have repeatedly pressured us to leave the area, we haven’t left. That’s why they have repeatedly attacked us. But we have no intention to withdraw,” he said.

The current fighting is taking place in an area where the SSPP/SSA and the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) engaged in military confrontations that forced local residents to flee their homes, according to locals.

On 20 and 21 July, the military council’s National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) and SSPP/SSA met in Nay Pyi Taw.

The current assault using heavy weapons by the Myanmar army came after the meeting.

Last month, the junta air force flew aircraft over SSPP/SSA base in Laihka Township at least six times, the said SSPP/SSA ground officer.

Sent by Shan Herald.


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