School-age children in Kawthoolei lose learning opportunity

Some school-age displaced children.

School-age children’s right to education has been affected due to the conflict between the military council and the revolutionary forces in the Kawthoolei territory since the military coup, according to Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG).

Schools in the conflict-affected areas have been damaged by the military council’s airstrikes and artillery shelling.  As there are no teachers and teaching aids, school-age children taking refuge in forests find it difficult to pursue their education, Saw Nanda Hsue, spokesperson of the KHRG said.

The military council’s airstrikes and shelling have resulted in the destruction of schools, the casualties of students and the lack of access to education. It is a serious violation of human rights that affects the future of young students, Saw Nanda Hsue continued.

“I haven’t been able to go home for a long time as the army is stationed in the houses and schools. I have to solve the problem on my own. I try to ensure my children can pursue their education in the place where I am living. Only more than a third of children from our village can attend the school. The rest of the children can’t go to school because they can’t afford it,” the IDP woman from Thandaunggyi Township said.

As a result of the fighting, there are many children among the IDPs. The priority is to provide only accommodation for the IDPs. Displaced children receive little help for their education, according to the people who are helping the IDPs.

After the military coup, the number of students who moved from Myanmar government schools to the Karen Education and Culture Department (KECD) under the Karen National Union (KNU) has increased. The KECD said that some students have moved to displacement schools and refugee camps in Thailand this academic year due to regional instability.

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