CDF-Kanpetlet urges the public to urgently provide ammunitions and rations

Caption-members of CDF-Kanpetlet

Chinland Defense Force-Kanpetlet has urged the people at home and abroad to urgently provide support as soon as possible as they are in need of ammunition and rations to fight the military council’s convoys and military columns which are conducting offensives in Kanpetlet Township of Chin State.

The military council has two military columns. As of 16 July, the military council is conducting offensives into Kyindwe in Kanpetlet Township via Laungshay in Magway Region with two armored vehicles, one JCV car, more than 20 military vehicles and around 300 soldiers, according to the Chinland Defense Force (CDF).

As of 19 July, a military column of around 170 soldiers are conducting an offensive to Kanpetlet via Saw of Magway Region. Fighting may intensify at any time as Saw Township is located about 12 miles from Kanpetlet, an official of CDF-Kanpetlet said.

“I would like to appeal to both local and foreign donors and Chin expats to support our comrades in the way they deserve. Now, just like the soldiers, the IDPs are also suffering from illness,” an official of CDF-Kanpetlet said.

From 14 to 19 July, a combined force of CDFs and People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) attacked a military convoy heading to Laungshay-Kyindwe. Nearly 20 military council soldiers were killed and many others wounded in the attacks.

On 18 July, the military council which suffered heavy casualties carried out targeted airstrikes on Masartweet village more than 20 times with five jet fighters. Seven civilian houses and a BCM church were destroyed by the airstrikes.

One comrade from the combined force was seriously wounded in the battles between Laungshay and Kyindwe while two comrades got minor wounds.

Nearly 3,000 civilians on the Chin-Magway border are taking refuge. Of them, nearly 2,000 IDPs are taking shelter in Kanpetlet Township. The IDPs are in need of medicine as some IDPs are sick. They are also in need of rations and shelters.

Sent by KMG


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