Three PDF members killed in Khamaungtaung battle in Launglon

The bodies of three PDF members killed in the battle with the military council. (Photo-LLPDF)

There members of People’s Defense Force (PDF) were killed in a battle with the military council between Khamaungtaung village and Sakhangyi village in Launglon Township in Tanintharyi Region, according to a statement by Launglon People’s Defense Force (LLPDF) on 27 July.

There was intense fighting between the military council and the combined local defense force as a military column of nearly 200 military council soldiers conducted an offensive since 22 July, according to the statement.

Those killed in the battle are: comrade Ko Ae, comrade F-One and comrade Ko Wa Toke from Launglon Township PDF.

The LLPDF’s information officer said that although there were casualties on the side of the military council in the clash between the two sides, the exact number is still being investigated.
Tension mounts as the military council is conducting an offensive near Khamaungtaung village, the PDF said.

Nearly 1,000 local residents from Khamaungtaung, Sakhangyi, Narkhantaw and Phwarbokepyin villages have fled for safety due to the ongoing fighting, locals said.

On 12 July, artillery shelling hit and killed a local young girl as the military council fired heavy shells to Khamaungtaung via Narkhantaw, according to locals.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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