Defence forces warn of fighting as junta boats head upstream with supplies

Caption – Military council's vessels travel up the Irrawaddy River

Local defence forces have warned that fighting could break out in villages along the Irrawaddy River as Myanmar military council vessels carrying military supplies sail from Mandalay to Kachin State.

According to the People’s Defence Force-Myoha, six boats carrying rations and ammunition left the Mandalay naval base and headed up the Irrawaddy River at about 5 am on 26 July, accompanied by three security boats and a security aircraft.

“On their way upstream, there will definitely be clashes. It will happen more or less. Even if one side does not open fire, the other side surely will. Therefore, we would urge residents to remain vigilant,” said an official from PDF-Myohla.

The resistance official went on to say that residents of villages along the Irrawaddy River feared being shelled with artillery by the regime’s ships as they sailed up the river with full military strength and security boats.

“Residents are worried when the regime’s boats come because they have experienced this in the past. While the boats were going up the river, they were shelling the surrounding villages with artillery. That is why people are fleeing to safer places. We ourselves have to scout the terrain and move carefully,” he said.

According to local defence forces, more than 150 ambush patrol soldiers have been positioned along the riverbanks in Minkyaukkone and Chaunwa areas on the border between Kachin State and Sagaing Region since 25 July.

The nine vessels are likely carrying ammunition to supply junta bases in Bhamo and could reach the Kachin State border by the end of the month, local defence officials said.

This resupply operation comes after the regime halted the transport of military supplies to Kachin State for about ten months, according to local sources.

The military council’s previous efforts to transport military supplies via waterways damaged houses in villages along the river as they fired artillery indiscriminately, local sources added.

Sent by KNG.


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