“We need IDP camps as the people are coming. They need shelter and food and have to work for their accommodation. It is like starting a new life.” U Aung San Myint, Secretary of KNPP

U Aung San Myint, Secretary of KNPP

An interview with U Aung San Myint, Secretary of Karenni National Progressive Party

Due to the ongoing fighting in Karenni (Kayah) state, the number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) who fled to Thailand via the border area has exceeded 5,000. The military council forces are carrying out aerial bombardments on the IDP camps during the battles.

The Than Lwin Times interviewed U Aung San Myint, Secretary of Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) about the difficulties of IDPs, stranded IDPs and the current fighting.

Q: First of all, please tell me the latest situation of the conflict on the border between Karenni State and Thailand.

A: Fighting is taking place every day. In the previous weeks, we could capture camps. The junta carried out aerial bombardment on IDPs on the border. At dawn and mid-night, the military council attacked two to three places. We are helping the IDPs by allocating them at the temporary camps.

Q: What is the condition of IDPs?

A: We need IDP camps as the people are coming. They need shelter and food and have to work for their accommodation. It is like starting a new life. This is not for the long-term. Thailand has no policy for the opening of new IDP camps. Thailand has received the IDPs from the humanitarian point of view as the IDPs are in a life-threatening situation. They will return to their homes when the situation is a little bit stable.

Q: I heard that there are still some locals trapped in the fighting on the Mese side. What is being done to rescue them?

A: We are making efforts to rescue the trapped people. There are not very many refugees. Other IDPs are in the controlled area.

Q: At present, what difficulties are the IDPs facing?

A: The main point is the military council attacked the IDP camps although there was no fighting. The military council is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. They are civilians. The places that get attacked are hospitals, schools and the places where there are children and the elderly. It is clear. These are not the places where the battles take place. Security is a major requirement for them. The military council is bombing IDPs every day. We are in danger as the military council is carrying out indiscriminate firing of heavy shells. The people taking shelter in the IDP camps have to rely on external assistance. The people can’t grow plants at IDP camps. Livelihood is crucial as the IDPs have to move from one place to another. They also need shelters. Like normal people, they have no shelter, so they suffer from seasonal diseases and infectious diseases caused by a shortage of water. The IDP camps mainly suffer from such diseases.

Q: The Thai government has accepted refugees. What are the situations?

A: They are currently in charge of the management and security of refugees. External assistance has to go under their management. At present, all groups have to go through them. The Karenni health committee is working with them.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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