Over 500 locals displaced by junta’s airstrike in Ywangan Township


Over 500 locals have fled for safety due to the military council’s ground offensive and airstrike in Ywangan Township of Shan State.

On 4 May, the junta soldiers were stationed in Nankhone village of Ywangan Township and in the compound of Hlwasin village in Thazi Township between Ywangan-Thazi. They are conducting an offensive against a combined force of People’s Defense Forces (PDFs), according to locals.

“The military column has a lot of strength. They are stationed in the monastery. Then, they conducted an offensive in the villages. The military dropped bombs by flight and fired heavy shells and light weapons on the ground. Now, locals have fled to safer places,” a local told the Shan News.

The military council is conducting an offensive against the combined force of PDFs in Ywangan Township, with the guidance of Pyu Saw Htee.

Currently, locals from Hlwasin village in Thazi Township and Nankhone, Ngapyawtaw, Konemaw and Myatkharin villages in Ywangan Township, fled to safer places. Most IDPs are taking shelter in Pindaya, in the house of their relatives and in the forests, locals said.

At around 9 am on 6 May, the military council soldiers raided Myatkharin village in Ywangan Township and looted abandoned houses. They destroyed and torched some houses. Most of the locals fled to the forests, a local man told the Shan News.

As the IDPs are scattered, it is difficult to know the exact number of IDP populations, that local man said.

More than six domesticated cattle were killed in the battle.

Military council soldiers have tightened inspections at the entry and exit of Ywangan, locals said.

In late April, the military council raided the villages, arrested locals and destroyed houses citing that the combined PDFs are present in Alechaung village and Hngatthauk village in Ywangan Township.

Till 28 February, 2023 since the coup, arsons by the military council and military-back organizations destroyed 135 civilian houses in Shan State. The arson destroyed 18 houses in Ywangan Township, according to the figures released by Data for Myanmar on 20 March.

Sent by the Shan News


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