Returnees in Arakan State difficult to survive as they receive no aid

Photo-The refugees from Yayphyukan IDP camp near Ponnagyun, who returned home on 3 March.

The IDPs in Arakan State who returned home are facing rehabilitation difficulties as they no longer receive aid.

A local from Thazi village who returned home via Yayphyukan IDP camp in Ponnagyun Township said: “Our houses collapsed when we returned to the village. We can’t afford to repair the houses. Currently, we have built huts. We can do nothing with 600,000-MMK provided by the government. There are no trees left in the forests to cut off wood and bamboo. No one dares to go to the forests due to the danger of land mines. All returnees face big difficulties.”

At a time when commodity prices are skyrocketing, 600,000-MMK and one-month rice ration provided by the military council is not sufficient for their accommodation. The returnees said it is required to adopt rehabilitation programs to restore to life.

“It has been over one month since we returned home. Cash assistance of 600,000-MMK provided by the military council is not sufficient for us to survive in such a difficult time. We don’t dare to go to the forests to collect firewood and vegetables as we are in danger of landmines,” a woman from Kyawshipyin village in Kyauktaw Township.

The people from Kyawshipyin village took shelter at Shanywa monastery in Kyauktaw. On 31 March, they returned to the village due to the military council’s pressures.

After the ceasefire following the renewed fighting in Arakan State, more than five mine explosions occurred in the villages near the conflict-affected areas and forests. The people want the authorities to remove landmines.

Around 40 civilians were killed and hundreds wounded by explosive remnants of war and land mines, according to the lists compiled by some CSOs.

Since February this year, the military forcibly repatriated many IDPs from Kyauktaw, MraukU, Minbya, Ann and Ponnagyun Townships and provided them with a cash assistance ofKs-600,000 and one-month rice ration per household, citing that peace was restored to the region.

On 26 November, 2022, the military council and the Arakan Army (AA) made a ceasefire. Then, the military council repatriated the IDPs and closed the IDP camps.

During the conflict period from 2018 to 2022, the total number of IDPs in Arakan State reached over 200,000.

Many IDPs themselves returned to their villages and the military council forcibly repatriated some IDPs when peace was restored.

Around 60,000 IDPs are not in a position to return home as military council soldiers are stationed in some villages and IDPs are fearful of land mines, according to the figures from some CSOs.

Sent by Htay Htay Aung (Narinjara)


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