Tanintharyi residents report excessive extortion by junta soldiers at checkpoints

Photo: Dawei Watch

Myanmar Army soldiers are reportedly extorting excessive amounts of money at checkpoints along Pyidaungsu Road, starting from the Ma Hlwe Taung checkpoint in Yaybyu Township at the entrance to Tanintharyi Region to Myeik Township, drivers told Than Lwin Times.

The regime has established at least 20 checkpoints along Pyidaungsu Road since the military coup, and the number of checkpoints has been increased to 30 for alleged security reasons in light of increased fighting in 2023.

At the so-called security checkpoints, fees ranging from MMK 5000 to MMK 20,000 are charged for vehicles, depending on the type of goods.

In addition, regime soldiers rigorously inspect goods, pull them off vehicles, and do not allow vehicles to continue if they refuse to pay the required amount of money. They also beat people if they do not communicate well with them, said one driver.

According to reports, some drivers have stopped operating their trucks because military checkpoints are collecting too much money.

On the one hand, fuel prices have increased threefold due to transportation difficulties amid the conflict and excessive extortion of money at junta checkpoints.

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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