Village, ward administrators get armed in Mon’s Mudon Township


Some village and ward administrators in Mudon Township, Mon State, have started carrying firearms in an unregulated manner following the promulgation of the military council’s law on the right to carry firearms, reported a village administer on condition of anonymity.

Although the law requires individuals to obtain a license to carry firearms legally, some administrators in the township have reportedly acquired firearms through illegal markets or by reaching an understanding with the junta army, as per accounts from village administrators.

“There there have been instances in northern Mudon where an administrator walked into a KTV restaurant and threatened the employees with a gun. This happened just two days ago,” a village administrator who refused to be named told Independent Mon News Agency.

He added that had heard the township military council is taking action against the village administrator who made the threat at the KTV restaurant.

Under the current circumstances, there are concerns that the possession of firearms within the communities may exacerbate the conflict.

Despite issuing the law on possession of weapons and ammunition on 31 January 2023, the military council has not yet provided the necessary regulations and details.

Sent by IMNA.


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