40 children are among those killed in Pazigyi village airstrike


Forty children aged below 18 are among those killed in the junta’s airstrike on Pazigyi village in Kanbalu Township of Sagaing Region on 11 April, according to the list released by the National Unity Government (NUG) on 16 April.

The total number of people killed in the airstrike has reached 168—six children aged under five, 19 aged between five and 14, five aged between 14 and 18, ten children whose age cannot be identified and 128 aged above 18.

The list describes the victims’ name, age and address.

The airstrike also wounded 16 villagers. The NUG’s medical team is providing medical treatment to the wounded villagers. The NUG is carrying out the rescue operations for over 300 IDPs. Efforts will be made to bring justice to those killed in the airstrike.

The military council bombarded a village on purpose although it knew it was not a military camp.

The military council’s act is unacceptable, the NUG’s Defence Minister Yee Mon said.

The NUG views this incident as a union-level disaster as the number of casualties goes beyond the capacity of regional response.

Under the supervision of the Union Ministries and under the management of in-charges in Sagaing Region, the NUG is carrying out rescue operations and emergency response in real time, at the union and township levels.

The military council conducted airstrikes on a public gathering in Pazigyi village on the morning of 11 April, killing more than 160 people, locals said.

The NUG calls on the international community to take effective action against the culprits and stop the sale of arms and aviation fuel to the military council.

Sent by Htay Htay Aung (Narinjara)


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