“We could destroy all military vehicles. No vehicles were left to enter Hakha.” Salai Htet Ni – Spokesperson of CNF/CNA


An interview with Salai Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the CNF/CNA

The combined Chin defense forces ambushed a military convoy including two tanks between Falam and Hakha while the convoy sent rations and arms to Hakha of Chin State. The military council suffered heavy casualties.

The Khonumthung Media Group (KMG) interviewed Salai Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA) about fighting between Falam-Hakha.

Q: May I know about the fighting between the military council and Chin defense forces between Falam and Hakha?

A: The military convoy which left Kalay on 7 and 8 March, crossed Falam and then proceeded to Hakha strategic hill via Falam. The main goal is to supply rations and bullets. This supply may aim for military operations in the upcoming rainy season. The CNF and Chinland Defense Forces (CDFs) attacked the convoy along the road. On 13 April, we could destroy all the vehicles— two tanks, backhoe, six-wheel and 12-wheel ration trucks cannot reach Hakha.

Q: Did the military council ascend the Chin mountain to supply rations? How many vehicles were included in a convoy? How did the convoy ascend the mountain?

A: They are based in Chin State. Hakha is located in the northern part of Chin State. The military council usually supplies rations in spring, autumn and the dry season. According to our estimate, the military column had a strength of around 200 and carried rations, arms, bullets and bombs when they left Kalay. The convoy covers 30 vehicles—two tanks, a JCB backhoe and 27 twelve-wheeled and six-wheeled civilian vehicles.

Q: Could the Chin defense forces destroy all the vehicles from the military convoy ascending Chin mountain?

A: Yes. It can be said that all the vehicles could be destroyed. Around seven tanks and civilian vehicles are found in Chunkyu. Today, we could destroy them. No vehicles were left to enter Hakha.

Q: How did the combined force of Chin defense forces attack the military convoy and destroy it?

A: They (military council) mainly targets vehicle security. They took position from the four corners of the convoy. We cannot approach the convoy from the back. We mainly used drones and mines. We ambushed the soldiers who escorted the convy from both sides.

Q: In fact, Kalay-Hakha road is a one-day trip. Now, over one month of fighting has been taking place. May I know the military council’s casualties as fighting continues?

A: Although I cannot exactly confirm the number, there are around 40 of 200 soldiers left . It is expected that around 120 soldiers will be killed in the fighting. The remaining soldiers are wounded and feel sick. It can be said that 70 percent of soldiers were killed.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: What I want to add is that the army is committing crimes against the public on purpose by issuing martial law. The army has used this tactic throughout history. Civilian houses were burned down. The public suffers many losses. We feel very sorry for it. Our CNA, local defense force and the public have no option except for the fight until the end. We will continue working on it.

Sent by the KMG


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