NUG Acting President sends heartfelt congratulations to AA on 14th anniversary


NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La extended a formal message to the Arakan Army (AA) on its 14th anniversary, congratulating the ethnic army’s achievement in winning the trust and support of the entire Arakanese people.

Duwa Lashi La congratulated in a handwritten signed letter to the chief of the ethnic army, Major General Twan Mrat Naing, on 10 April, the 14th anniversary of the establishment of the AA.

“I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the 14th anniversary of the founding of the Arakan Army, which we celebrate today,” the acting president opened the letter.

The letter went on to say , “Considering the sacrifices made by the Arakan Army over the past 14 years, it is a matter of pride that the Arakan Army can stand today as a trustworthy army for all the people of Arakan.”

The NUG Acting President proposed to work together from this anniversary to build a federal union in which the Arakan people enjoy the full right of self-determination.

In addition to the NUG and the Northern Alliance members – Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) and Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/ Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA) – the eight Spring Revolution forces – PRA-Magway, People’s Independence Organization/ People’s Independence (PIO/PIA), Student Armed Force, Asho Chin Defense Force (ACDF), Moegyo Guerrilla Force, People’s Liberation Army (PLA), People’s Revolution Force, and Chin Defense Force (Asho), also sent formal messages on the 14th anniversary of the founding of the Arakan Army.

In the letters, the eight revolutionary forces thank the AA for its help and support and vow to fight hard for the liberation of the oppressed peoples.

In his 14th anniversary speech, AA chief Major General Twan Mrat Naing urged Arakan people at home and abroad to persevere in the resistance.

The Arakan Army was founded with 26 young Arakanese men on 10 April 2009 in Lai Zar, where the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) is located.

Currently, the ethnic army, which has established itself as the most trusted and supported armed organization in Arakan State, is over 30,000 strong.

Sent by Narinjara.


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