Pro-junta Min Zin Thant militia extorts civilians for ransom along Ledo Road


The Warazut militia led by Min Zin Thant has arrested civilians along Ledo Road in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, and forced them to pay ransom for them, according to locals.

According to reports, the local militia arrested residents of villages such as Jahtu Zup, Warazut, Aungyar, and Sanpya, accusing them of having links to the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

In late March this year, the pro-military group had arrested more than ten people and demanded MMK 300,000 to MMK 2 million as ransom for their release for financial gain, a resident of Jahtu Zup told Kachin News Group (KNG).

“The amount of the ransom varies. It can be 300,000 MMK for one and 500,000 MMK for others. Those arrested and beaten to admit they have links to the KIA are forced to pay a ransom of MMK 1-2 million,” he said.

He added that among those arrested are both locals and KIA employees.

He explained that those arrested by the Min Zin Thant militia are usually beaten up for two weeks and those who can raise the ransom are released afterwards.

“They have arrested some KIA workers based on tips at home. Some are checked on the street and arrested. They arrest KIA employees but later release them for ransom. They want to gain financial gain from this,” said another local.

Earlier this year, the militia also arrested three civilians from Sanpya village on suspicion and released them after paying a ransom.

In January, when a man in his 30s from Sanpya IDP camp was arrested by the militia, he had to be ransomed with MMK 2 million, said a source close to the IDP Camp.

Some of those arrested by the Min Zin Thant militia in Warazut and Jahtu Zup villages on Ledo Road were released, but some of them died in custody, although the KNG could not independently verify the locals’ claims.

Sent by KNG.


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