Two children killed in fighting between junta and PDF in Naungcho


Two children were reportedly killed and several civilians injured in a clash between military council troops and the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) in Naungcho Township, Kyaukme District, Shan State.

Fierce fighting broke out between regime troops and a joint force of the PDF near Thanbo village in Naungcho Township at around 4:30 pm on 5 April. During the fighting, artillery shells fired indiscriminately by the regime side hit a civilian house, locals said.

“The artillery shell hit the house and killed an 11-month-old child and his 14-year-old sister inside the house. Their parents were also seriously injured. They are currently being treated at Pyin Oo Lwin Hospital,” a man who wished to remain anonymous told the Shan Herald.

The children killed are 11-month-old Sai Wah Wah Tun and 14-year-old Nang Ma Aye, according to locals.

During the fighting, junta troops fired at least eight 120mm shells, which burned at least eight acres of sugarcane plantation and also injured the owner of a street betel shop with shrapnel.

“The fire from the shell explosion hit the collective sugarcane plantation and burned about eight acres. There are also other damages. In Konenyaung village, a betel seller was also injured by shrapnel and was taken to hospital,” the man added.

The fierce fighting between the junta troops and the joint PDF force took place between 3 and 4 pm. near Thanbo. After the fighting calmed down around 6 pm, the regime troops took their positions in the village.

Currently, 500 regime soldiers are deployed in Naungcho Township, while there are no less than 400 members of the joint PDF forces, local sources say.

A young man, who asked not to be named, told the Shan Herald that some residents have been forced to flee their homes due to the clashes.

“Residents have fled to the downtown area. Some of them have stayed with their relatives, while others have to rent houses. When we look at the situation, the military council and the PDF seem to have opened the military fronts in downtown Naungcho, but those who are being affected are the people,” he said.

Those displaced by the armed clashes are from Hohke village, Ye-U village, Loingin village, Konenyaung village, Konegyi village in Konggyi village tract, Thanbo village in Thanbo village tract and Innma village in Bantbway village tract in Naungcho Township.

Also on 3 April, a local man from Konenyaung village was hit by a landmine on his walk to the sugarcane plantation in the morning.

Last February, a local man was shot dead and more than 500 people were forced to flee to safety after a clash between military council troops and the PDF in the area.

Sent by the Shan Herald.


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