Regime committed more than 1000 abuses in KNU-controlled areas since coup – KNU


The Myanmar military council has committed more than 1,000 human rights abuses amounting to war crimes in areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) in the two years since the military coup, according to a report by the Human Rights Committee and the KNU’s Research and Documentation Department.

The report, titled “Lost Lives,” on war crimes committed by the military in the two years from 1 February 2021 to 31 December 2022, was released on 27 March.

As a result of these events, 192 civilians were killed and 485 injured, 882 houses were destroyed and more than 300,000 people were affected by the war in the areas controlled by the KNU during the two years.

According to the report, 1493 human rights violations occurred in KNU-controlled areas in Karen State, Tanintharyi Region, Mon State, and Bago Region, including brutal killings, arbitrary torture, use as human shields, aerial bombardment, and artillery fire against innocent civilians.

Pado Saw Kalay Say, deputy head of the KNU’s Organizing and Information Department, told Narinjara News that the KNU had called on international governments and organizations, including the United Nations, to help solve these problems.

“We have called on international governments and organizations, including UN, as well as the government of neighboring Thailand, to help the people.”

With fighting reported to have occurred between military council troops and Karen armed forces in Myawaddy, Kyondoe and Kawkareik townships since 25 March, the Asian Highway has been closed for six days and tensions between the two sides remain high.

Air strikes and artillery fire by military council troops during the fighting have forced more than 3,000 residents to flee.

Sent by Narinjara.


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