Meeting with seven NCA signatories does not work, political analysts say


The National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) of the military council held a two-day informal talk with seven EAOs which have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in Nay Pyi Taw on 28 and 29 March.

It was attended by 12 officials including Colonel Sao Sai Ngin of the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Saw Mya Yazar Lin from the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Nai Aung Ma Ngae from the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and officials from the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU) and the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO).

According to the statement by the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement – Signatories, Ethnic Armed Organisations (NCA-S EAOs), the topics discussed on the first day of informal talks are the emergence of a landscape for all-inclusive political dialogue, step-by-step peace processes and the fundamental principles of federalism.

U Than Soe Naing, a political analyst on Myanmar said: “I don’t know which topics they discussed at the meeting. However, the peace talk that they said will not work. They constantly hold talks. However, constant fighting is taking place on the other hand.”

Currently, the military council declared martial law in 27 townships in Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Tanintharyi Region, Bago Region, Chin State, Mon State, Karen State, Kayah (Karenni) State and Kachin State. There is intense fighting between the military council and a combined force of the EAOs and the PDFs in the said regions and states.

Instead of the discussions with other big EAOs which are fighting with the junta, the military council’s discussions with NCA signatories alone will not support the Myanmar peace process. It is just a for-show, politicians said.

The NCA signatories have not released any information about the informal meeting held on 29 March. The DMG still contacts Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, Spokesperson of the seven NCA signatories.

No result has not come out yet till date although seven NCA signatories have been in talks with the military council for peace.

Sent by Aung Htein (DMG)


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