AAPP calls on ASEAN to enact laws for universal jurisdiction


The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) calls on ASEAN to enact the laws for universal jurisdiction to take action against the crimes against humanity committed by the Myanmar military council since the military coup.

U Take Naing, Secretary of the AAPP said: “Due to a lack of effective and immediate actions against the military council’s crimes by universal jurisdiction mechanisms, the army may blatantly commit more serious crimes. For the interest of innocent people, the international community is urgently required to practically punish the junta.”

In its accountability report for justice released on 23 March, the AAPP said the military council continues to commit crimes against humanity across the country day by day. The AAPP calls for seeking a path to justice for the victims and their family members.

In 2022, the junta killed 1,250 pro-democracy activists in 145 townships in regions and states. The junta killed 40 per cent of detainees during the detention, according to the AAPP’s report.

In 2022, the junta arrested 3,738 pro-democracy activists in 262 townships in regions and states and unlawfully seized 634 belongings including houses, buildings and properties from 419 pro-democracy activists from 132 townships, according to the AAPP.

According to the figures collected by the AAPP, the junta killed 3,154 people and detained 16, 925, during the Spring Revolution from the coup in 2021 till 22 March, 2023. Of 16,925 detainees, 5,163 were imprisoned and 150 sentenced to death.

U Bo Kyi, Joint Secretary of the AAPP said: “The army committed and is still committing the crimes against humanity which are the worst international crimes. Time has come for the international community to take action against the army through the International Criminal Court (ICC) and all other mechanisms available.”

The AAPP calls on the UN members, government-to-government organizations and INGOs to take decisive and immediate actions in order that the military council will be held accountable and responsible. The AAPP urges them to seek justice and provide aid for Myanmar people.

The AAPP calls on the UN Special Envoy on the Human Rights Situation in Myanmar to more closely monitor the crimes being committed by the military council and to draw international attention.

It has been over two years since the Myanmar military staged a coup. All sectors of the country such as politics and economy are deteriorating.

Sent by Aung Htein (DMG)


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