Myanmar IDPs in Mizoram face worsening conditions as aid dwindles


Myanmar nationals who have sought refuge in the Indian state of Mizoram amid the ongoing armed conflict in Myanmar are facing increasing difficulties in obtaining essentials as they receive less aid, reports the Mizoram-based The Zo Reunification Organization (ZORO).

Myanmar nationals, most of whom belong to the Chin tribes, have sought refuge in Mizoram since the military coup in Myanmar nearly two years ago. They are struggling to get basic necessities as aid dwindles because of the ongoing armed conflict, ZORO said at a press conference at the Aizawl Press Club in Aizawl City.

“Their situation is grim. They don’t have jobs. They no longer receive help like before. The help from the public, YMA and the government has reduced to almost none. At the same time, their daily needs have not changed and have even increased,” said Dr. Lalrinawmi Ralte, secretary of the ZORO Refugee Committee.

ZORO said that the displaced people living in the displacement camps are in urgent need of assistance.

The group has provided 20 bags of rice, two bags of chickpeas, three bags of soybeans, cooking oil and clothing for the displaced in Nghalchawm after learning that food rations are running low.

Since the IDP camps are built only with bamboo and tarpaulin roofs, ways must be found to ensure the safety of the people during the rainy season. Medicines, school uniforms and stationery for school-age children are also needed, and it is also important to create job opportunities for the displaced, ZORO said.

In the face of dwindling aid, ZORO pledged to help the displaced wherever they can.

ZORO is an influential civil society organization in Mizoram State that works for the reunification of Zo (one of the Chin tribes) living in India, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

The Mizoram state government has stated that there are currently over 30,000 displaced people from Myanmar in Mizoram State, although Chin civil society organizations estimate the number to be around 50,000 people.

Sent by KMG.


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