Army abducts seven locals in Yenipauk village in Bawlakhae


The military council abducted seven locals from Yenipauk village after a battle near Yenipauk village in Bawlakhae in Karenni State, according to the statement released by the Bawlakhe People’s Defense Force (PDF).

Currently, the villagers are being detained at Bawlakhe Myoma police station. They are not allowed to meet their family members, a local said.

“The parents of detainees went to the police station to meet their offspring. But they are not allowed to meet,” he said.

Among the detainees are a woman and two high school students, according to locals.

A military column of around 120 soldiers conducted an offensive via Yenipauk suspension bridge. At 5 am on 16 March, the combined force of the PDFs clashed with the military column for one and half hours, according to the statement.

The military council fired heavy shells into the village as three junta soldiers were killed and some soldiers wounded in the battle. The heavy shells fired by the military council landed on Yenipauk and Maihtan villages.

The artillery shelling also wounded four locals. One of four victims is seriously wounded.

The military council carried out constant artillery shelling although there were no battles from 16 to 18 March, according to locals.

Locals from Wanchal, Nannauk and Chimwae villages near Yenipauk and Monghtan villages have fled to safer places due to the military council’s artillery shelling, according to locals.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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