3 May 2024 /

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“The region has seen more poppy growing areas since the military coup. Poppy plantations can be seen from Swanparabwan-Myitkyina road and mostly from Swanpiyan road.” An officer of the KIO/KIA

An interview with an officer of the KIO/KIA

At the end of February, 2023, the Kachin Independence Army/Kachin Independence Organization (KIA/KIO) destroyed nearly 100 acres of poppy plantations in Putao District in Kachin State.

The Network Media Group (NMG) interviewed a KIO officer who is engaging in the destruction of poppy plantations about the growing of poppy plants, the major poppy growing areas, narcotic drug abuse and the objectives of the KIA/KIA for the destruction of poppy plantations.

Q: I have heard the news that the KIA/KIO takes a leading role in the destruction of poppy plantations in Putao District. May I know the poppy growing rate, drug abuse and the purpose of destroying the poppy plantations?

A: The purpose of the destruction of poppy plantations here is the drug abuse problem along Ayeyarwaddy River in northern Putao becomes worse. The young people’s consumption of white and black poppy opium is big. It may become a worrying situation for our generation.

Q: How is the KIO/KIA trying to control drug problem and poppy growing?

A: We are regularly working on the destruction of poppy plantation and giving educative talks in the places close to the KIA-controlled areas. There is no drug abuse in the places close to the KIA-controlled areas. The poppy plants are grown in the places close to the military-controlled areas. We are doing our work under the directive of the KIO committee and under the arrangement of the Anti-Narcotic Drug Committee and regional committees as we are concerned for our younger generations.

Q: May I know the major poppy growing areas in Putao District?

A: At present, it is found that poppy plantations are found mostly in the places close to Putao and the military-controlled areas as poppy growing is not allowed in the KIA-controlled areas. The military council conducts military activities when it has heard our efforts for the eradication of narcotic drugs. It is assumed that the military protects poppy plantations.

Q: Do poppy growers in Putao District have difficulty in doing other businesses? Do they mainly grow poppy plants?

A: In fact, the people here are in position to earn their living by doing other businesses instead of poppy. Kanpiketi and Panwar areas are not suitable to grow other crops as the weather is cold. Lonejar, Lonesharyan, Injarkha, Makhawkha and Swanpiyan in Putao District have fertile soils. The potato plants are thriving. The people have narrow views due to the political situation. Not only the locals and the people from other areas are growing poppy plants. The people can grow poppy plants freely as the military council fails to take action against poppy growers and protect them.

Q: Due to the KIO’s destruction of poppy plantations, the survival of poppy farmers may be difficult. What is the arrangement for poppy growers in addition to the destruction of poppy plantations?

A: Our KIA/KIO government has a plan to grow the poppy-substitute crops. We could start implementing this plan last year. We give educative talks on mainly growing mustard and potato plants by clearing bushes on plain lands. However, only a handful of people follow it. It is found that most people mainly grow poppy plants.

Q: How many acres of poppy plantations can the KIA/KIO destroy in Putao district during this year?

A: The people from Lonsharyan, Tanjar and Swanpiyan and Putao mainly grow poppy plants. At present, we have destroyed over 100 acres of poppy plantations. The region has seen more poppy growing areas since the military coup. Poppy plantations can be seen from Swanparabwan-Myitkyina road and mostly from Swanpiyan road. Some people grow poppy plants even in their compounds.

Sent by NMG

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