3 July 2024 /

See today's Peace Related News

Does The Military Misuse Peace Talks For The Perpetuation Of Dictatorship?

A brief history of Myanmar politics

Under the 1947 Constitution, Myanmar people were able to enjoy parliamentary democracy since the country gained its independence on January 4, 1948 and up till 1958. Since the handover of power to the caretaker government led by General Ne Win on September 28, 1958, the army has led the country throughout the history of Myanmar politics. Now, it is difficult to think about the country’s politics by removing the role of the army.

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Karen National Union (KNU)

Arakan National Council (ANC/AA)

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

Chin National Front (CNF/CNA)

Karen National Union (KNU)

Arakan National Council (ANC/AA)

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

Chin National Front (CNF/CNA)

Arakan Liberation Party/Army (ALP/ALA)

Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA)

Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA)

Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP/KA)

Kuki National Organization (Burma)

Lahu Democratic Union (LDU)

Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)

National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS)

New Mon State Party (NMSP)

National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K)

Pa-Oh National Liberation Organization (PNLO)

The Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA)

The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA – South)

Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA – North)

United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA)