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Military council is trying to open a new outpost in Kawkareik Township

October 10, 2022

Since October 6, the military council’s troops are likely to be stationed between Kwinkalay village and Kawthanaw village in Kawkareik Township in Karen State, an official of the KNLA said.

On September 20, a combined force of the Dawna military column No.18 Battalion of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and other forces captured a military council’s Kyeik base camp in Kyarinseikgyi.

“It has been more than one month since the military council is collecting the soldiers in Kyarinseikgyi. The military fired shells into the village before arriving in Kwinkalay village. The military council went to Kyeik base camp to set fire to the soldiers killed in the fighting and the camp. Currently, the junta soldiers are present between Kwinkalay village and Kawthanaw village. Heavy shelling into the village stopped when the junta soldiers came back from Kyeik base camp. The junta soldiers are likely to be stationed,” an official of the KNLA said.

The military council’s artillery shelling destroyed more than 40 houses in Kwinkalay village which has more than 398 houses, according to the Karen National Union (KNU) Dupalaryar District’s statement.

Fighting is taking place between the military council and the KNLA in Dupalaryar District in the KNU’s Brigade-6 Territory almost every day.

On September 20, more than 20 soldiers from Kyeik base camp were killed in the fighting. The KNLA also seized ammunition, according to the KNU’s statement.

Sent by KIC

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