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“Most of us have more or less emotional feelings these days. Maybe I am depressed today, but I am giving myself courage so I can get up the next day to resist the military council in any way I can.” – Ko Arzu (Spokesperson , Monywa main strike group)

An interview with Ko Arzu, spokesperson for Monywa main strike group

August 2, 2022

It has been more than a year since the strike columns started a revolution against the State Administration Council (SAC) in a non-violent way. To learn more about the strike columns, Ko Arzu, the person in charge of well-known Monywa main strike group, was interviewed about the difficulties the strike columns continue to face in their protest against the military dictators, how do they overcome these difficulties, and their assessment of the deteriorating political situation.

Q: Can you tell us about the current activities of Monywa main strike group?

A: One of the strike columns appeared on July 26 to protest the execution of the four political heroes and the fall of four comrades from Monywa. To honor them, we held the strike together with local security forces at Kyaukkar Shw Gu Ni Pagoda. Strikers in other areas also joined our main strike line. We are planning more actions in the future as the situation allows.

Q: What difficulties do you encounter when you set up strike columns?

A: Of course, there are many difficulties. At the moment, we ourselves are on the run because we are not complying with the laws that they have unjustly issued. So, there are many difficulties and hardships, to be honest. In the midst of these difficulties and hardships, we are doing our part as best we can.

Q: Besides the strikes, what else are you doing for the revolution?

A: Apart from that, we try to provide food rations and financial resources to our comrades. We also support the education of the children of those displaced by the war, and we personally travel to the villages affected by the fire to encourage them and make donations.

Q: As a next question, can you tell me about your personal political stance?

A: My personal political stand is that I reject the current rule of military dictators and their harassment. Therefore, I will continue to do my part in this revolution as best I can. Nowadays, most of us have more or less emotional feelings. Maybe I am depressed today, but I am giving myself courage so that I can get up again the next day to resist the military council in any way I can.

Q: How do you see the deteriorating political situation?

A: Yes. To put it simply, fuel prices have gone up exponentially. People are facing unprecedented shortages. The impact is great, especially in rural areas. Not only that, armed robberies are becoming more frequent than before, showing that our country is no longer safe. Before the military coup, we had never heard of looting or robbery in Monywa.

Lately, robberies, muggings and motorcycle thefts are occurring once every two days. Our comrades also chase and catch the perpetrators so often. They try to suppress the thieves, but it makes any difference, because the security in our country is ramshackle. Where is the security of the people? Not anymore. In Monwya, we used to go home after 2 or 3 in the night. Nothing happened. Now, let alone at 2 or 3 am in the night, I do not dare to ride around alone on a motorcycle in broad daylight. We have to be afraid of gang robberies. All this shows that security in our country is getting worse and worse.

Q: Finally, what is your message to the people?

A: First of all, we should never give up on the revolution. Let us just think of encouraging things and keep going. I want people to continue the revolution started by the people. Keep playing your role as best you can. Help more. Donate more. There are many comrades who are fighting and giving their lives on the front lines. So, we need more support to finish this revolution quickly. We understand that people are also tired. Another important request is that people should be careful with the news they read, whether it is fake or real. We will not withhold any information about us. We will publish anything we think the public should know. So when you hear a news story, do not believe it right away. We do not want you to believe it until we publish it.

Sent by Than Lwin Times

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