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“Except for two schools in downtown Kani, all the schools are being operated under the UNG’s program. Ninety-seven per cent of the schools including high schools and middle schools open under the NUG program” U Tun Tun Win (The elected candidate from the 2020 General Election in Kani Township)

An interview with U Tun Tun Win, the elected candidate from the 2020 General Election in Kani Township

June 20th, 2022

The military council has reopened the basic education schools across the country. At the same time, the National Unity Government (NUG) is accepting enrollment by introducing the federal education programs.

The Shan-ni Voice interviewed U Tun Tun Win, the elected candidate from the National League for Democracy (NLD) in the 2020 General Election about education programs in Kani Township which sees the frequent outbreaks of armed conflicts. He is also a leader of the Kani People’s Defense Force.

Q: Now is the school open season. The National Unity Government (NUG) is implementing the federal education system. The military council reopens the schools. How about the schools in Kani? Do the students have access to the NUG’s program?

A: Except for two schools in downtown Kani, all the schools are being operated under the UNG’s program. Ninety-seven per cent of the schools including high schools and middle schools open under the NUG program.

Q: I get confused about it. Is it an online system or operated by the CDM teachers or operated with its own curriculum as it is the NUG’s program?

A: We are operating the schools with the teachers who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). Even exams are held. A total of 17 schools jointly held the school family day ceremony and the sports competition under the NUG’s program, the RFA reported.

Q: Did the schools open at the beginning?

A: The education board was formed soon after the formation of the Ministry of Education by the NUG. It is being operated under the management of the education board. The major subjects are Myanmar, English and Mathematics. We are teaching these subjects at schools, monasteries and houses in the villages. Most of the students are at the schools. Few students are at the monasteries. A few students are at the houses.

Q: Doesn’t the military council disrupt it? Can the PDFs control it? How is the situation?

A: We are not present in Kani. We have to flee to other places when soldiers enter the villages. The military detained around 90 students in Chinpone village in Yinmarbin Township for two days. The soldiers raped and killed female teachers there. The completion ceremony of the PDF training was held. Fighting erupted as the military attempted to arrest the Thabyayaye monk. The parents rushed to the incident to fetch their children. The military carried out indiscriminate firing of weapons into the schools.

Q: Can it be said that the NUG’s education system is being operated in Kani Township well?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: The military council burned the houses and killed the people with all-out efforts. The military is totally wrong if it thinks that this administrative system is correct. Making mistakes pushes the military to collapse day by day. The military needs to show its affection to the public when the military governs the country. The military needs to govern the country with affection. The military needs to organize the public by showing how upright, honest and capable they are. Killing the people is not the administration. The people will die when they kill them. But the people will not love them. Once we were wild animals. The persons who have strength bully weak persons. The animals which have tusks use their tusks. The animals which have horns use their horns. The persons who have arms want to bully unarmed persons. The persons who have power want to bully the persons who have no power. The people of today are totally different from those in the times of the Kings.

Now the people keep their eyes and ears open. The people have knowledge and foresight. It is impossible to govern the country with arm politics. Now the era has changed. They need to thoroughly understand this. Fate will favour them if they can make corrections to it. The military council itself will be abased by its fate if the military repeats its mistake.

Sent by Say Kaung Kham Shan-ni Voice.

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