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“Our youths are required to continue to implement the works the elder persons cannot do. Success is within our reach” Ma Daisy (A female soldier of the CNF)

June 9th, 2022

Following the military coup on February 1st, 2021, some youths who oppose the dictatorship have taken up arms to revolutionize the military council. Chin female Ma Daisy is one of them.

She got her law degree from Magway University. Currently, she is performing her military duties at Mount Victoria camp which is the military headquarters of the Chin National Front (CNF). As a young Chin woman, why did you decide to choose armed struggle? The Khonumthung news interviewed Ma Daisy about her future dream and expectations.

Q: Why did you choose the armed struggle?

A: The purpose of this armed revolution is that I don’t like the military dictatorship. The education, social and economy status of our ethnics have reached the lowest level as we have been living under the military dictatorship for many years. No one will do revolution if we don’t revolutionize this military dictatorship. I joined the CNF and took up arms with the assumption that time has come for the youth to wake up.

Q: What is the main reason which forces you to choose armed struggle?

A: We staged the protests on the streets peacefully before taking up arms. However, the military council held the arms and arrested the public unjustly. Most youths got arrested. Among them are my friends. We decided to take up arms as we assumed that we cannot make revolution without arms, and we faced many losses.

Q: Being a woman, what kinds of difficulties did you face when you took up arms? How did you overcome these difficulties?

A: As a woman, I faced a lot of difficulties. The first point is I had to prepare my mind. Because I have never dreamed about taking up arms. However, I first prepared my mind as the situation forced me to take up arms. However, injustice is a major impetus for us to take up arms. We cannot look at this injustice. We already know that it is a rocky road. We decided to join the CNF after preparing for the worst. We know that we may face many difficulties when we attend the military training course together with men. However, we know how difficult this military training course is. I attended this course with the spirit that we must do rather than we can do. We attended the course and tried our best despite a lot of difficulties in terms of mental and physical.

Q: What did you give up during this revolution?

A: We have to leave our loved ones. During this period, we should have lived happily with our families, brothers, sisters and loved ones. We have to take up arms and depart our loved ones due to the military coup. We have to give up a lot of things including our jobs.

Q: May I know your beliefs and expectations about this revolution?

A: I believe that this revolution will achieve success. But it may take a certain period of time. So, our revolution must achieve success. A lot of youths have sacrificed their lives. The public has lost their lives and properties. That’s why this revolution must succeed. For that, we must continue to be zealous and feel patient. We need to have more amity and unity with each other. Other side will drive a wedge between us a lot. However, we should not forget what our objective is. I believe that we will achieve success if we make all-out efforts till success.

Q: What is the biggest price you pay during this revolution?

A: The biggest price I have to pay is I have to stay away from all my loved ones. The sure point is we knew we must sacrifice our lives when we arrived here. We will always repent if we do not sacrifice our lives for our races and region. There are a lot of opportunities. During this period, we can pursue our education in other countries. Who will fight against the junta if we all leave the country to pursue our education? With this in mind, I arrived here to sacrifice my personal interest. I can die at any time.

Q: What kind of lifestyle did you want before participating in the revolution?

A: I want to be a good lawyer as I am a law graduate. I had an ambition as I specialized in law. Education standard in Chin State is very low. Youths have to go to the plain area to pursue their education. They face a lot of difficulties during the learning period such as language barrier. They also face a lot of discrimination. Only a few people from our region are studying law. I learned this subject with the aim of helping the people in our region. So, my biggest ambition is that I have a lot of plans for our region if peace is restored.

Q: How do you feel when our dream and the current situation are different?

A: I lost my expectation and feel depressed as the current situation is totally different from my dream. We should not feel depressed as we have a lot of things to do. We will enjoy the breeze only after we face difficulties and storms. I believe that success will welcome us one day if we go ahead with the spirit that we think about how to solve the current problem.

Q: Will you continue to stick to the armed struggle if the Spring Revolution achieves success? Or else what is your future plan?

A: To tell the truth, I don’t like armed struggle. I don’t like bloodshed. However, the current situation forced me to take up arms. I will partly participate in it if this revolution achieves success. However, I don’t like this armed struggle too much.

Q: Would you like to convey a message to the public?

A: Taking up arms alone is not the revolution. We can make different types of revolution. Some people donate money while some people are making revolution physically. So, I would like to say thanks to the people involved in the revolution. So, don’t feel depressed. We need to join hands to rebuild the democratic country we want as we have faced the worst. Our youths are required to continue to implement the works the elder persons cannot do. Success is within our reach.

Sent by the KMG.

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