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“We are implementing our works based on the charter. We must carry out discussions and coordination on any acts which go against the charter. We expect so.” U Aung San Myint, Secretary-2 of the KNPP.

An interview with U Aung San Myint, Secretary-2 of the KNPP about the CRPH.

April 28th, 2022

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) formed with elected candidates from the National League for Democracy (NLD) who secured the seats in the 2020 General Election, started to form interim administrative bodies in Karenni State in the second week of April.

There was widespread criticism that the CRPH’s efforts to form the interim administrative bodies go against the facts included in the Part-II of the Federal Democratic Charter drafted by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC). The Home Affairs Ministry of the Karenni State Government led by the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) issued a statement.

On April 26th with the signature of Home Affairs Minister Khu Nyay Reh as it is not in compliance with the facts included in the part-II of the federal democratic charter. The NMG interviewed U Aung San Myint, Secretary-2 of the KNPP why the Home Affairs Ministry remonstrate against the CRPH’s effort to form the interim administrative bodies, which the CRPH’s undertaking is not in comply with the part-II of the Federal Democratic Charter drafted by the NUCC and how these acts can hamper the efforts to build up a new federal democratic country.

Q: Why does the Home Affairs Ministry remonstrate against the CRPH’s efforts to form interim ward/village administrative bodies?

A: The CRPH, the NUG and the KNPP are drafting it in accordance with the Federal Democratic Charter. We are the member organizations which are implementing it. The facts are included in the Federal Democratic Charter drafted and enacted by us. We all need to implement the facts in accord with the charter. The implementation is a little bit different from the facts enshrined in the part of the Charter. That’s why we issued this statement.

Q: What are the different points between the interim administrative bodies to be formed by the CRPH and the interim constitutional measures of the Part-II of the Federal Democratic Charter declared by the NUCC?

A: Section 52 and 53 of the Part-II of the Charter say that the respective States shall form the executive, judicial and legislative sectors. This means that our state shall form the executive, judicial and legislation bodies accordingly. Efforts made by either the Union government or the legislative pillar is a little bit different from the provisions of the charter.

Q: What would you do if the CRPH doesn’t make any response to the remonstration letter?

A: Our letter clearly described our desire. It is not in conformity with the charter. We have already had the state. We will not accept the emergence of organizations without coordination with the organizations which represent our state and the Ethnic Armed Organizations. That’s why, we have no reason to follow whatever they do.

Q: Does the CRPH make a response to the remonstration letter?

A: No. Till date, we have not received any response.

Q: The NUCC has released the declaration of the federal democratic charter. However, the CRPH formed the administrative bodies without any discussion with local organizations. May I know your view on the CRPH’s efforts to build a federal democratic country.

A: I don’t want to review other organizations. We have had our political goal we want. We will build up a federal democratic union which can fully guarantee national equality, justice and self-determination. So, we would make efforts to ensure the termination of the terrorist military which hampers the building of a federal democratic union during the revolution period. In doing so, we would cooperate with any organizations which have the same political goal and the common goal.

Q: May the current situations hamper the efforts to build up a federal democracy country and root out the dictatorship?

A: We are implementing our works based on the charter. We must carry out discussions and coordination on any acts which go against the charter. We expect so.

Sent by the NMG.

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